You can install the package via composer:
composer require zedox/laravel-dhiraagu-sms
Add the following in your config/services.php
'dhiraagu-sms' => [
'url' => env('DHIRAAGU_SMS_URL'),
'userid' => env('DHIRAAGU_SMS_USERID'),
'password' => env('DHIRAAGU_SMS_PASSWORD'),
then you can use the .env
file to pass these credentials
While url is optional, you must provide userid and password
This service can easily be used using the Facade provided
use Zedox\LaravelDhiraaguSms\Facades\DhiraaguSms;
You can use the send method which accepts a mobile no and a message
DhiraaguSms::send($toMobile, $message)
Route::get('test-sms', function () {
try {
DhiraaguSms::send('9607XXXXXX', 'Hello World');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return response()->json(['message' => $e->getMessage()]);
return resoponse()->json(['message' => 'Success: SMS sent']);