Buttplug Developer guide

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A guide to developing with the Buttplug Intimate Hardware Control Library. Discusses common strategies and best practies for using the library to build new applications.

Rendered version at https://buttplug-developer-guide.docs.buttplug.io/


To build the document into HTML pages or pdfs, you'll need to use gitbook. We have a node package file available to install the version we use for development and build the book. Use the following commands to set it up.

npm install
npm run build

This will build the HTML version of the book into the _book directory.

We also keep a built version of the HTML version in our gh-pages branch, and it is updated on every commit to master.


If we're missing anything or you'd like to see documentation or something, please file an issue and let us know!

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If you find this project helpful, you can support us via Patreon! Every donation helps us afford more hardware to reverse, document, and write code for!


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

See LICENSE.md for full text.

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Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Nonpolynomial Labs LLC, All rights reserved.