Secure Pipelines Demo

Sample spring application with Jenkins pipeline script to demonstrate secure pipelines

Pre Requesites

Setup Setps

Minikube setup

  • Setup minikube
    minikube start --nodes=1 --cpus=4 --memory 8192 --disk-size=35g --embed-certs=true

Jenkins setup

  • Stup Jenkins server

    helm repo add jenkinsci
    helm repo update
    helm install jenkins jenkinsci/jenkins

    Note: Make a note of the password

  • [Optional] Forward Jenkins server port to access from local machine

    kubectl port-forward svc/jenkins 8080:8080
    open http://localhost:8080
  • Add additonal plugins to Jeninks server (Manage Jenkins -> Manage plugins)

    • BlueOcean
    • Configuration as Code
    • OWASP Dependency-Track

Dependency Track setup

  • Setup Dependency Track server

    helm repo add evryfs-oss
    helm repo update
    kubectl create ns dependency-track
    helm install dependency-track evryfs-oss/dependency-track --namespace dependency-track
    kubectl port-forward svc/dependency-track 8081:80 -n dependency-track
    open http://localhost:8081

    Note: dependency-track will take some time to start (~1hr on low end Mac)

Link Jenkins and Dependency Track

  • Login to Dependency track -> Administration -> Access Management -> Teams -> Click on Automation -> Copy the API Keys

  • Login to Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Scroll to bottom -> Configure the Dependency-Track URL and API key -> Save

  • Login to Dependency track -> Projects -> Create Project -> Fill Name and save -> Copy the UUID of the project from the URL

  • Update the UUID in the Jenkinsfile in the Depedency Track upload section

Hint: URL (if you have followed the exact steps) http://dependency-track.dependency-track.svc.cluster.local

Note: This UUID step is not required ideally, Projects will get created automatically - Looks like some open issue

New Jenkins Pipeline

Create a new Jenkins pipeline with this repo and trigger build

  • Login to Jenkins -> New Item -> Enter name and choose Pipeline -> Choose GitHub project and set project URL
  • Under pipeline section, Choose Pipeline script from SCM
  • Choose git as SCM and provide repo details
  • Save


Refer the below screenshot for the stages in the pipeline

Pipeline View

Pipeline View

Stage View

Stage View

Dependency Track

Dependency Track View


Stage Tool
Secrets Scanner truffleHog
Dependency Checker OWASP Dependency checker
SAST OWASP Find Security Bugs
OSS License Checker LicenseFinder
SCA Dependency Track
Image Scanner Trivy
Image Hardening Dockle
K8s Hardening KubeSec
IaC Hardening checkov
DAST OWASP Baseline Scan


Image Malware scanning - ClamAV