
Simple blog app with Node, Angular and Firebase.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Simple blog platform. For backend I used NodeJS, frontend Angular and for storage Firebase. The way this system works is that frontend (Angular) sends requests to the backend (NodeJS) and then Node handles everything with Firebase.

Current status of the project

You can see all posts on the home page, you can click on one of the posts to see detailed view. In that view you can see all the information about post, comments and input fields to add new comments. Also you can add new posts as anonymous user (for now register and login options don't work).

How to use

Clone the repository wherever you like.
git clone https://github.com/boris-ns/Blog
First run the service using node or nodemon.
cd service
node app.js
And then you can run client app.
cd client
ng serve -o


Home page screenshot
Post details screenshot