
Plugin for pytest for sending testing reports to the Xray (Jira)

Primary LanguagePython


This plugin allows you to send testing reports to the Jira board by connecting it with PyTest

On Jira board you can create issues with Test type and you need to assign them to a Test plan issue. After the plugin is called the new issue of type Test execution will be created. That new issue will contain basic information about the test run.

Also, there is a "silent" option that won't send any information to Jira. To use it just pass --silent command line argument when calling PyTest.

How to use

  1. Install Xray Test Management for Jira and set everything up according to the Xray documentation
  2. Get API keys from Xray and set them as environment variables in your OS (XRAY_API_CLIENT_ID and XRAY_API_CLIENT_SECRET).
  3. Inside your project install PyTest
  4. Download this plugin
$ git clone https://github.com/boris-ns/pytest_jira_xray 
  1. Install plugin with
$ pip install pytest_jira_xray

Now that you have installed this plugin, here is how you can use it inside Python code.

First of all, you need to add decorators (markers) to test functions. These markers need to contains ID of a Test issue for Jira board.

Here is an example of one test function

def test_add():
    assert add(1, 1) == 2

To run this plugin, just call pytest command with command line argument ---plan TEST_PLAN_ID.

pytest --plan PLAN_ID_FROM_JIRA