
Password generator

Primary LanguagePython

update: now it works over SSL thanks to Let's Encrypt

Password Generator

Motivation: A quick way to create random password without installing anything!

How to by example:

  • Create one password of XX chars long: curl -L pwgen.borisquiroz.dev/20
  • Create XX passwords of YY chars long: curl -L pwgen.borisquiroz.dev/40/5

So this thing basically receives two parameters: length and count. A few examples:

➜ curl -L pwgen.borisquiroz.dev/40
➜ curl -L pwgen.borisquiroz.dev/25/2

Real life example (a.k.a. live-demo):

This code is currently running on a docker, available at pwgen.borisquiroz.dev. You can use it to generate your passwords following examples above.

Dockerize all the things!

docker run -d boris/pwgen-web available on Docker Hub

Running locally

git clone https://github.com/boris/pwgen.git
cd pwgen
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py runserver

Running in production

What you see at pwgen.borisquiroz.dev is currently running in kubernetes using ArgoCD, which deploys everything under kubernetes directory.