
tutorial on 1D wavelet scattering (Kymatio Workshop 2022)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Kymatio Workshop 2022: Scattering1D Tutorial

Google Colab

In this tutorial we will work through examples of Scattering1D (Time Scattering) in Kymatio.

The intention is to gain an intuition of the physical properties of modulated signals and their scattering transform.

Part I

  • understanding the scattering filterbank construction parameters (J, Q, averaging, order, paths)
  • plotting the wavelet filterbank
  • visualizing the response to modulated sounds that appear in music and speech
    • amplitude modulation (tremolo)
    • frequency modulation (vibrato)
    • attacks (note onset)
    • amplitude modulation interference
    • musical instrument playing techniques

Part II

  • Generate a dataset of synthetic signals with varying spectral shape and interference patterns
  • Unsupervised manifold embedding of the nearest neighbour graph (Isomap) of the dataset under Scattering1D

Further documentation can be found here: Kymatio Github