
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Firewords is a project inspired by Daniel Shiffmans Fireworks coding challenge.

I wrapped it in an express web server (Loading the font inside from file:// throws CORS), if you want to test it without mounting it on IIS or other I encourage you to use the express wrapper. To do so:

  1. Have node.js installed
  2. Download the repo and unpack
  3. Open a shell and navigate to the repo folder.
  4. run npm install to download and install express
  5. run npm start
  6. open http://localhost:3300 in a browser

If you want to just plug and play you will find everything in the www/ folder.

A few things to note:

variable ´boomName´ contains the word that is "printed" (default "P5.js"). you can change the font by downloading one, placing it in /www/assets and then changing the parameter in the loadFont function.