
A Minecraft plugin that allows you to change everything about food.

Primary LanguageJava

Better Food Values

BFV is a Minecraft plugin for spigot servers that allows you to change the food and saturation value of every food item in Minecraft. It also allows you to add a damage value when eating a food, for instance with unhealthy food. You can make a cookie or cake deal some damage on eating.



  • /bfv help - shows a help menu for the plugin
  • /bfv reload - reloads the config files
  • /bfv permissions - shows all permissions of the plugin
  • /bfv info - shows info about a given food item
  • /bfv set - allows you to set a value of a certain food ingame
  • /bfv get - shows the value of a selected food
  • /bfv version - shows the version of the plugin and displays if it's up to date
  • /bfv author - shows the author of the plugin (me!)


  • bfv.admin - main admin permission for the plugin

Any suggestions are welcome, I'm already working on 2.0 which will contain a custom language file, a system to encourage a balanced diet and custom potion effects on eating food. Also will be working on being able to eat every item in the game. After making the thing above.