
Ansible role to install docker-daemon and cli

MIT LicenseMIT


Installs docker-daemon and cli.


CPU architecture:

  • x86_64 / amd64
  • armv7l / armhf
  • aarch64 / arm64

Operating systems:

  • Ubuntu:
    • 16.04 (xenial)
    • 18.04 (bionic)
    • 20.04 (focal)
  • Debian
    • 9 (stretch)
    • 10 (buster)


  • Add repository key from keyserver
  • Add docker repository
  • Install docker-ce package
  • Setup docker daemon options (optional)
  • Setup docker-cleanup systemd service (optional)
  • Setup python3 docker via pip (optional)

Role parameters

Variable Type Mandatory? Default Description
docker_storage_driver text no <empty => aufs> The docker storage driver (consider documentation)
docker_cleanup_enabled text no no => disabled Creates a systemd service to delete all stopped containers and delete unused images
docker_cleanup_on_calendar text no daily Choose when your cleanup timer will be triggered
docker_install_pip_package text no no => will not be installed Installs the python docker pip package


Add to requirements.yml:

- name: install-docker
  src: https://github.com/borisskert/ansible-docker.git
  scm: git

Example playbooks


- hosts: test_machine
  become: yes

    - role: install-docker

All parameters:

- hosts: test_machine
  become: yes

    - role: install-docker
      docker_storage_driver: overlay2
      docker_cleanup_enabled: yes
      docker_cleanup_on_calendar: daily
      docker_install_pip_package: yes



Run within docker

molecule test

Run within Vagrant

molecule test --scenario-name vagrant --parallel

I recommend to use pyenv for local testing. Within the Github Actions pipeline I use my own molecule Docker image.