
Shell scripts to support your releases and hotfixes a la git-flow

Primary LanguageShell

release-scripts Build Status

release-scripts (also called Boris' magic scripts 😇) are designed to be used to perform software releases synchronously in multi-module mono-repositories despite of bunches of different technologies. Using release-scripts may redundantize plugins like maven-release-plugin.


This scripts can help you if you have are working in a git-flow workflow on your project.

Especially the release and hotfix step of git-flow requires a lot commits and merge processes this scripts can help your out. Your can use them locally as well as in ci-pipelines.


  • bash terminal
  • git version control


  • checkout this repo
  • copy all *.sh files into your project
  • adjust hooks.sh for your project environment

Integration as a submodule (recommended)

  • Perform this steps in terminal:
  $ git submodule add https://github.com/borisskert/release-scripts release-scripts
  $ cp release-scripts/.hooks-default.sh .release-scripts-hooks.sh
  • adjust .release-scripts-hooks.sh for your project environment

Perform a standard release

with snapshot versions

$ ./release.sh <release-version> <snapshot-version>
# Perform next steps the script is telling

without snapshot versions

$ ./release.sh --no-snapshots <release-version>
# Perform next steps the script is telling


$ ./release.sh [-q|--(no-)quiet] [-v|--(no-)verbose] [-s|--(no-)snapshots] [-h|--help] <release-version> [<snapshot-version>]


Short option Long option Default Description
-s --(no-)snapshots on Turn on snapshots mode. If enabled the argument is mandatory
-q --(no-)quiet off Turn on quiet mode for automation
-v --(no-)verbose off Turn on verbose mode for debugging

Perform a hotfix release


$ ./hotfix_start.sh [-q|--(no-)quiet] [-v|--(no-)verbose] [-s|--(no-)snapshots] [-h|--help] <hotfix-version>


$ ./hotfix_finish.sh [-q|--(no-)quiet] [-v|--(no-)verbose] [-s|--(no-)snapshots] [-h|--help] <hotfix-version> [<snapshot-version>]

with snapshot versions

$ ./hotfix_start.sh <hotfix-version>
# commit and push your work into the hotfix-branch
$ ./hotfix_finish.sh <hotfix-version> <snapshot-version>

without snapshot versions

$ ./hotfix_start.sh --no-snapshots <hotfix-version>
# commit and push your work into the hotfix-branch
$ ./hotfix_finish.sh --no-snapshots <hotfix-version>

Revert a (local) release

$ ./revert_release <release-version>

Support branches

If you need to make releases from support branches and also from develop, take care to adjust your hooks to calculate master and develop branches according to versions.

Example: For releasing versions that start with 12., i.e. 12.2 we'll use support-12.x branch, otherwise develop branch:

function get_develop_branch_name {
  if [[ "$1" =~ ^12\..* ]]
    echo "support-12.x"
    echo "develop"

function get_master_branch_name {
  if [[ "$1"  =~ ^12\..* ]]
    echo "master-12.x"
    echo "master"

How to run unit tests over release scripts

  1. Install bats-core
  2. Go to tests directory
  3. Run bats *.bats

How to run shellcheck

$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.sh' -print0 | xargs -0 shellcheck

Make sure you have installed shellcheck on your system.