
Basics jee7 demo.

Primary LanguageJava


What we are doing is to write some samples implementations of JEE7's new features.

  1. init.jee7 : top level mave project.
  2. init.api : api shared between all jee7 init module
  3. init.rest : simple JEE7 rest service implementation


  1. clone https://github.com/boriswaguia/init.jee7.git
  2. cd ~/init.jee7
  3. mvn clean install

Actually, I'm testing this on glassfish4

deploy and test

  1. start glassfish4 : $AS_HOME/bin/asadmin start-domain
  2. deploy the application : $AS_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy ./init.jee7/init.rest/target/init.rest.war
  3. localhost:8080/init.rest/rs/catalog/ for a JSON list of catalogs
  4. localhost:8080/init.rest/rs/catalog/{catalog_id} for a single JSON catalog result.

thanks !