
Array of panels for Status Board iPad app displaying your weekly RescueTime productivity statistics.

Primary LanguagePHP


Array of panels for Status Board iPad app from Panic displaying your weekly RescueTime productivity statistics.

Application is consuming actual RescueTime API data through rescuetime-api-php wrapper library.


Summary Panel

Summary Panel

Productivity By Day Panel

Productivity By Day Panel

Top Categories Panel

Top Categories Panel

Top Activities Panel

Top Activities Panel


The easiest way to get started is to install application on Heroku.

Clone application locally:

git clone git@github.com:borivojevic/rescuetime-statusboard.git

You can obtain RescueTime API key on API Key Management console page.

Replace "rescuetime-api-key" in config.json with your private api-key.

Commit changes:

git commit -am "Set rescuetime API key"

Create Heroku application stack:

heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/CHH/heroku-buildpack-php

If you don't have it already, sign-up for free Heroku account and install Heroku Toolbelt.

Push application to Heroku:

git push heroku master

To determine your application URL run:

heroku apps:info

Remember "Web URL":


Loading panels in Status Board iPad app

Open status board app on your iPad.

Go to settings.

To add summary panel select table and provide following Data URL - {$YOUR_WEB_URL_HERE}/summary

To add productivity by day panel select graph and provide following Data URL - {$YOUR_WEB_URL_HERE}/productivity_by_day

To add top categories panel select graph and provide following Data URL - {$YOUR_WEB_URL_HERE}/productivity_by_category

To add top activities panel select graph and provide following Data URL - {$YOUR_WEB_URL_HERE}/productivity_by_activity