Primary LanguagePython


A new algorithm for full viral haplotype reconstruction and abundance estimation. It is an alternative approach for the first developed approach viaDBG which was based entirely on de Bruijn graphs. ViQUF is based on flow networks which allows us to do a proper and successful estimation of the strain frequencies.

The overall workflow is as follows:

  • Building assembly graph (BCALM)
  • Polishing the assembly graph by:
    • Classifying edges as weak and strong, and removing the weak ones called filigree edges.
    • Removing isolated nodes.
    • Removing short tips.
  • Paired-end association.
  • Paired-end polishing removing as many wrong associations as possible.
  • Core algorithm:
    • For every pair of adjacent nodes A -> B, we built a DAG from their paired-end information.
    • DAG is translated into a flow network and a min-cost flow is solved.
    • The flow is translated into paths via a "greedy" path heuristic.
  • Final strains are built following two rules:
    • Standard contig traversing (deprecated)
    • Min-cost flow over the Approximate Paired de Bruijn Graph built from the core algorithm.


  • Python 3.* - we encourage you to build a conda environment and still all dependencies via conda: conda create -n ViQUF-env python=3.6
    • Biopython, altair, gurobi
    • matplotlib, scipy, numpy
  • C++17
  • SDSL
  • quast 4.3 or quast 5.0.1 to evaluate the results
  • gatb-library: follow the instructions in: https://github.com/GATB/gatb-core
cd lib/ && rm -r gatb-core
git clone https://github.com/GATB/gatb-core.git
cd ..
wget http://lemon.cs.elte.hu/pub/sources/lemon-1.3.1.tar.gz
tar xvf lemon-1.3.1.tar.gz
  • Compile:
make clean && make

Updates (20/10/2021)

  • Amplicons - a new approach to deal with amplicons (In progress).
  • Third Generation Sequencing - new approaches to deal with this type of data. Right now, we are able to infer a valid flow from the data (all test over simlord high depth simulated data).
    • TODO: Apply Flow decomposition with subpath constraints.


Exists a Dockerfile which automatizes the installation procedure. To use it just run:

sudo docker rm [your_decision_docker_name]
sudo docker build -t [your_decision_docker_name] . --no-cache
sudo docker run -d --name [your_decision_docker_name] [your_decision_docker_name]

Command line standard:

The file execution-script contains an example of how to execute the code.

python scripts/testBcalm.py [you folder name] [kmer size] ngs [--correct/--no-correct] [--join] --no-meta
./bin/output.out tmp [kmer size] tmp/unitigs.graph tmp/unitigs.unitigs.fa tmp/unitigs-viadbg.fa tmp/Ownlatest/append.fasta [complete set of reads (optional)] [--debug] --virus
python scripts/post-process.py

The last step runs a "linear programming algorithm" to adjust contigs frequencies, it is not mandatory but suggested.