
Set of short demos that can be quickly performed during a class to reinforce the learning of key concepts or to answer questions by showing how to do it. The idea is to have easy access to all the demos regardless of the class that is being given.

The demos use a Kafka cluster in Confluent Cloud and local Java Producers and Consumers.


  • Java 1.8 or higher to run the demo application
  • Gradle to compile the demo applications
  • Create a local file at $HOME/.confluent/java_ccloud.config with the configuration parameters to connect to your Kafka cluster in Confluent Cloud. Check the template file java_ccloud.config
  • Confluent Cloud CLI
  • IDE to show the code of the local Java Producers and Consumers to students (if required)

Deployment Considerations

  • If you get this error when trying to run a Java client -bash: ./gradlew: Permission denied. You may need to set the execution flag on your gradlew files by running chmod +x gradlew in the producer and consumer-group directories
  • If the demo requires the use of a ksqlDB app, consider creating the ksqlDB app in advance (before starting the class or during a break) since Confluent Cloud takes around 10 minutes to provide resources to this new app
  • Once the demo is finished, please do some housekeeping deleting the topics and ksqlDB apps that you created during the demo

List of demos

Demo Description Course
change-number-partitions-ksqldb Showing how to increase the number of partitions of a topic keeping messages with the same key in the same partition (workaround: migrating the data to a new topic using ksqlDB) ADM DEV STR
change-serialization-format-ksqldb In this Demo, a producer writes data in Kafka from a CSV file using the StringSerializer. A ksqlDB app is created to convert the data from String to JSON format, and then the data is consumed to display it in JSON format DEV STR
implement-custom-partitioner Showing the consequences of producing data with a "hot" key using the Default Partitioner and how that problem can be resolved by using a Custom Partitioner ADM DEV STR
implement-dead-letter-queues Showing how to implement Dead Letter Queues (DLQs) in Java clients ADM DEV STR