
Project testing an Hapi js microservice with gitlab ci integration and kubernetes deployment

Primary LanguageMakefile


Node.js minimal hapijs service being deployed to an AWS kubernetes cluster using gitlab ci.

  • Using a docker registry hosted in AWS ECR (see ci-before-script to be replaced for docker login when using a different registry)

Env variables

  • DOCKER_REGISTRY - docker registry url
  • K8S_CONFIG - kube config encoded in base64
  • SERVICE_HOST - (domain where you want to expose the service e.g. node.example.com)

Optimized to be fast

  • gitlab-ci using custom docker image (image: borjatur/images:custom-gitlab-ci-latest) built to speed up gitlab-ci stages as it's bundling packages used during all ci stages
  • lint and test are being run in the same stage to take advantage of just one docker pull

Why I'm using sha256 docker image instead of a tag?

See kubernetes/kubernetes#33664