
Build extensible Draft.js editors with configurable plugins and integrated serialization.

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Build extensible Draft.js editors with configurable plugins and integrated serialization

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Draft Extend is a platform to build a full-featured Draft.js editor using modular plugins that can integrate with draft-convert to serialize with HTML. The higher-order function API makes it extremely easy to use any number of plugins for rendering and conversion.


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {EditorState} from 'draft-js';
import {Editor, compose} from 'draft-extend';
import {convertFromHTML, convertToHTML} from 'draft-convert';

const plugins = compose(

const EditorWithPlugins = plugins(Editor); // Rich text editor component with plugin functionality
const toHTML = plugins(convertFromHTML); // function to convert from HTML including plugin functionality
const fromHTML = plugins(convertToHTML); // function to convert to HTML including plugin functionality

const MyEditor = React.createClass({
    getInitialState() {
        return {
            editorState: EditorState.createWithContent(fromHTML('<div></div>'))

    onChange(editorState) {
        const html = toHTML(editorState.getCurrentContent());
        console.log(html); // don't actually convert to HTML on every change!

    render() {
        return (

    <MyEditor />,


Examples of how to build plugins of different types are included in the example directory. To run the examples locally:

  1. run npm install in the draft-extend directory
  2. open any HTML file in the examples directory in your web browser - no local server is necessary


Editor component on which to extend functionality with plugins created by createPlugin.


The most important two props are:

  • editorState - Draft.js EditorState instance to be rendered.
  • onChange: function(editorState: EditorState): void - Like with vanilla Draft.js, function called on any editor change passing the EditorState.

Other props are used by plugins composed around Editor. See Building Plugins for more information. These should generally not be used outside of the context of a plugin:

  • buttons: Array<Component> Array of React components to add to the controls of the editor.
  • overlays: Array<Component> Array of React components to add as overlays to the editor.
  • decorators: Array<DraftDecorator> Array of Draft.js decorator objects used to render the EditorState. They are added to the EditorState as a CompositeDecorator within the component and are of shape {strategy, component}.
  • baseDecorator: DraftDecoratorType Replacement decorator object to override the built-in CompositeDecorator's behavior. See the "Beyond CompositeDecorator" section on this page of the Draft.js docs for more information.
  • styleMap: Object Object map from Draft.js inline style type to style object. Used for the Draft.js Editor's customStyleMap prop.

All other props are passed down to the Draft.js Editor component and to any buttons and overlays added by plugins.


Since the API of plugins is based around composition, a basic compose function is provided to make it easy to apply plugins to the component as well as conversion functions and provides a single source of truth for plugin configuration.

// without compose
const EditorWithPlugins = FirstPlugin(SecondPlugin(ThirdPlugin(Editor)));
const fromHTML = FirstPlugin(SecondPlugin(ThirdPlugin(convertFromHTML)));
const toHTML = FirstPlugin(SecondPlugin(ThirdPlugin(convertToHTML)));

// with compose
const plugins = compose(

const EditorWithPlugins = plugins(Editor);
const toHTML = plugins(convertToHTML);
const fromHTML = plugins(convertFromHTML);


Higher-order component to consolidate key command listeners across the component tree

An increasingly common pattern for rich text editors is a toolbar detached from the main Editor component. This toolbar will be outside of the Editor component subtree, but will often need to respond to key commands that would otherwise be encapsulated by the Editor. KeyCommandController is a higher-order component that allows the subscription to key commands to move up the React tree so that components outside that subtree may listen and emit changes to editor state. KeyCommandController. It may be used with any component, but a good example is the Toolbar component:

import {Editor, Toolbar, KeyCommandController, compose} from 'draft-extend';

const plugins = compose(

const WrappedEditor = plugins(Editor);
const WrappedToolbar = plugins(Toolbar);

const Parent = ({editorState, onChange, handleKeyCommand, addKeyCommandListener, removeKeyCommandListener}) => {
  return (

export default KeyCommandController(Parent);

KeyCommandController provides the final handleKeyCommand to use in the Editor component as well as subscribe/unsubscribe functions. As long as these props are passed from some common parent wrapped with KeyCommandController that also receives editorState and onChange props, other components may subscribe and emit chagnes to the editor state.

Additionally, KeyCommandControllers are composable and will defer to the highest parent instance. That is, if a KeyCommandController receives handleKeyCommand, addKeyCommandListener, and removeKeyCommandListener props (presumably from another controller) it will delegate to that controller's record of subscribed functions, keeping all listeners in one place.