

No, from a purely psychological standpoint, this isn't even remotely related to Freud. It's just mostly pop-psychology project.

This is my undergraduate thesis project at the Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec. The project is not that advanced, because I chose technologies that we didn't use during our time in college, and I'm not that good at developing apps from scratch (even though it's better to do it from scratch rather than using tons of frameworks) :)

Project Description

Freud is conceptualized as a website where there's two parts: public and member area. On the public part, there's a lot of things you can find related to mental health. The member area consists of a CRUD part which is made into a "Diary" or a "Journal" form.


This project is using Vue.js frontend and Node.js backend with MongoDB as a DB.

The first version used Vuesax component framework -> now ditched due to it being in alpha and the components are scarce.

Switched to Quasar framework, because I simply don't have the time to do the project with components from scratch and custom CSS

How to run

If you're running locally, navigate to client folder and run npm install, after that, run npm start this will run the backend and the client using concurrently.