
Android library for customized TabLayout

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Customizable RoundedTabBarLayout for Android .

If you're ever in need of a fresh, different TabLayout for Android, check this out!
It offers "box-like" behavior for tab items and the entire box scrolls as the tab items are tapped on.
Also, it's customizable with more customizations coming soon!


To use this customized tab layout in your Android project

  1. Add jitpack.io classpath to your root build.gradle file
allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Add library dependency to your app build.gradle
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.degordian:roundedtabbarlayout:{latest-version}'

How to use RoundedTabBarLayout?

Extend the RoundedTabBar class

For maximal flexibility, you need to extend the RoundedTabBar class and replace the generic T with your own custom class type. When using Kotlin, don't forget to add @JvmOverloads annotation so it can properly inflate the view from the XML layout.

// Your custom class representing one item in TabLayout
data class TabItem(
    val id: Long,
    val title
class DemoRoundedTabBar @JvmOverloads constructor(
    context: Context,
    attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
    defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : RoundedTabBar<TabItem>(context, attrs, defStyleAttr)

Use the newly created view in the XML and customize:

  1. background color (rtb_background_color; default black)
  2. text color (rtb_text_color; default white)
  3. indicator drawable (rtb_indicator_drawable or any color for a rectangular indicator)
  4. Capsized text (textAllCaps; default true)

Now you can use the customized tab layout in your activity or a fragment by setting the items and listener.

val tabItems = listOf(
            TabItem(0, "Star Wars"),
            TabItem(1, "Indiana Jones"),
            TabItem(2, "The Lord Of The Rings"),
            TabItem(3, "The Hobbit"),
            TabItem(3, "Star Trek"))

tabBar.setItems(tabItems) { item, holder ->
            // you can display any content you want from your custom class
            holder.tabNameView.text = item.title
tabBar.listener = object : RoundedTabBar.OnRoundedTabBarItemInteractionListener<TabItem> {
            override fun onRoundedTabBarItemClicked(item: TabItem) {
                               "Tab " + item.title + " clicked!", 