
User interface for OpenSOC

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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User interface for OpenSOC


Here are the minimal steps for deployment on a Ubuntu 14.04. These instructions will need to be altered for Ubuntu 12.04 as the nodejs package is too old. Assume that the code is in /opt/portal and the user is portal.

  • Install dependencies:
apt-get update
apt-get install -y libpcap-dev tshark redis-server nodejs npm
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
npm install -g pm2

su - portal
cd /opt/portal
npm install --production
  • Add a file name config.json to the repo root (/opt/portal in our setup). The config should point to the various services. The following is an example config, all fields are required:
    "secret": "some secret",
    "elasticsearch": {
      "url": ""
    "redis": {
      "host": "",
      "port": 6379
    "ldap": {
      "url": "ldap://",
      "searchBase": "dc=opensoc,dc=dev",
      "searchFilter": "(mail={{username}})",
      "searchAttributes": ["cn", "uid", "mail", "givenName", "sn", "memberOf"],
      "adminDn": "cn=admin,dc=opensoc,dc=dev",
      "adminPassword": "opensoc"
    "permissions": {
      "pcap": "cn=investigators,ou=groups,dc=opensoc,dc=dev"
  • Run the server:
pm2 start index.js -i max --name "opensoc"

Setup development environment

Step 1: Install Virtualbox and Vagrant

Download the latest package for your platform here:

  1. Virtualbox
  2. Vagrant

Step 2: Clone repo

git clone git@github.com:OpenSOC/opensoc-ui.git
cd opensoc-ui

Step 3: Download and provision the development environment

vagrant up

You might see a couple warnings, but usually these can be ignored. Check for any obvious errors as this can cause problems running the portal later.

Step 4: SSH into the vm

All dependencies will be installed in the VM. The repository root is shared between the host and VM. The shared volume is mounted at /vagrant. Use the following command to ssh into the newly built VM:

vagrant ssh
cd vagrant

Step 5: Seed the development VM

To generate seed data for use with the opensoc-ui, use the following command.


On the other hand, to duplicate another ES installation use:

ES_HOST=changeme.com script/es_fetch.js

You should now have seed data in seed/es. You can load this into the dev ES instance with:


For authentication, make sure you set up the LDAP directory structure with:


Step 6: Ensure tests pass

You can now run the tests:

make test

Step 7: Launch the server

The nodemon utility automatically watches for changed files and reloads the node server automatically. Run the following commands from with the vagrant vm.

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
npm install -g nodemon

You can then access the OpenSOC ui at http://localhost:5000.