
Practical machine learning in Python

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MSDS 6331: Machine Learning

Practical machine learning in Python

Instructor. Dimitri Yatsenko, Ph.D.

Monday 5.30 - 6.45 PM

An overview of the key concepts of machine learning through practical examples and applications. Programming projects will be used for learning techniques, for interpreting results and understanding scaling up from thousands of records to millions/billions

All assignments will be in Python 3.6 or newer with libraries for data analytics:

By the end of the course, students will be expected to become skilled in applying these libraries to solving new problems.

Python has become a leading language for data analysis and machine learning thanks to the rich ecosystem of best-in-class open-source libraries developed by the community. Python Developers Survey 2019


These above are practical resources emphasizing techniques and examples.

For a more fundamental treatment of machine learning fundamentals, I recommend reading

  • Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", Pearson; 4th Edition (May 8, 2020). ISBN-10: 0134610997


10 Programming Assignments

grade percent
A >=94%
A- >=90%
B+ >=86%
B >=82%
B- >=78%
C+ >=74%
C >=70%
C- >=66%
D+ >=62%
D >=58%
F >=0%

Lectures and Assignments

(Tentative, subject to change)

  1. Aug 24. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Applications and Examples. Configure development environment.
  2. Aug 31. Operations on numerical arrays, example data sets, visualization. Project 1 Due Sep 2
  3. Sep 7 - Labor Day
  4. Sep 14. Classification. ROC Analysis.
  5. Sep 21. Regression.
  6. Sep 28. Regression.
  7. Oct 5. SVM
  8. Oct 12 - Fall Break
  9. Oct 19. Model selection, feature selection, cross-validation. Regression project Due Oct 29
  10. Oct 26. Random forests.
  11. Nov 2. Regularization. Dimensionality reduction.
  12. Nov 9. Unsupervised learning
  13. Nov 16. Neural networks and deep learning.
  14. Nov 23. Gradient descent, backpropagation
  15. Nov 30. Keras, tensorflow, or pytorch
  16. Dec 7 - Review
  17. Dec 14 - Final