
❒ renderer by borsuczyna

What is cube renderer?

cube renderer is open source custom rendering for Multi Theft Auto, you can feel free to contribute to it!

Is it finished?

No, it's almost finished, it requires timecyc hours to be added and it will be ready to use!

What's left?

  • Timecyc
  • dxDrawMaterialLine3D
  • dxDrawPrimitive3D
  • dxDrawLine3D

Special thanks

Ren712, Einheit-101

Custom shaders

  1. Create your .fx file inside effects
  2. Add it inside meta.xml
local mainShader = getMainShader()
shader = createShader('data/effects/your name.fx')
mainShader:remove('your texture name')
shader:apply('your texture name')

Custom shaders compiler


::loop(variable name, int start, int stop)
// what to do

// what to include

// your variables

// vsinput sementics

// psinput sementics

::WorldPosition(float4 worldPos)
// affect world position (shadows too)

// all vertex shader code

::PixelShader(float4 texel)
// pixel shader

::Emmisive(float4 emmisive)
// emmisive affect code

Example wind shader:

#include "data/include/noise.fx"

float Time;
float2 fWindDirection = float2(1, -1);
float fWindStrength = 3;
float fWindSpeed = 2;
float fWindNoiseSize = 0.5;
float fTreeZOffset = 0;
float fTreeHeight = 14;
bool isTreeLog = false;

::WorldPosition(float3 worldPos)
float time = Time%%10000;
float2 windPosition = time * fWindSpeed * float2(-fWindDirection.x, -fWindDirection.y) + worldPos.xy / 10;
float2 windPositionSmall = time * 5 * max(1, fWindSpeed/3) * float2(fWindDirection.x, -fWindDirection.y) + worldPos.xy * 5;
float noise = perlinNoise(windPosition * fWindNoiseSize);
float noiseSmall = perlinNoise(windPositionSmall * fWindNoiseSize);
float treeHeight = max((VS.Position.z - fTreeZOffset)/fTreeHeight, 0);
float2 smallWind = fWindDirection * fWindStrength * noiseSmall * treeHeight / 3;
worldPos.xy += fWindDirection * fWindStrength * treeHeight * noise + (isTreeLog ? 0 : smallWind);

Support server:
