
A PyTorch implementation of SuperGlue

Primary LanguagePython


A PyTorch implementation of SuperGlue.

SuperGlue is a graph neural network that performs joint context aggregation, descriptors matching and filtering in a unified deep network architecture trained end-to-end. SuperGlue is made up of two major components: the Attentional Graph Neural Network and Optimal Matching Layer. The first component extracts matching descriptors from the input keypoints and descriptors using the graph neural network with attention mechanisms. The second one computes the score matrix with dustbins and finds optimal partial assignment using the Sinkhorn algorithm.

Pretrained models

This repository provides two pretrained models:

Note: Both of them are trained on less than 100k iterations which is significantly lower than the official pretrained models.

Environment setup

This code is tested with Python 3.7 in Linux. You can install all required packages for both training and model inference from requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run demo

Navigate to the top level project directory and run


For example, if you run demo script with these test images:

imgs/img0.png imgs/img1.png
alt text alt text

you should get the following result: alt text

Also, you can run SMNN matcher on the same images by passing --do_smnn=True. You'll get the following results, which are much worse than SuperGlue alt text

Run training

You can launch training with default configuration with the following command from the project root directory:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 PYTHONPATH="." python model_training/train.py model_training/config/train.yaml

You can change configuration by editing model_training/config/train.yaml configuration file. For example, you can change dataset path by editing data.image_glob field in the configuration file.