
AWS IP range lookup tool

Primary LanguageGo


awsip is a simple command line utility to list IP ranges for AWS.

  • You can limit the IP ranges by region, service and IP version.
  • Output to table, CSV, markdown and HTML.
  • Caches the data for 3 days before re-fetching it
  • You can override --max-cache-age to set shorter refresh interval
  • and you can specify --no-cache to bypass cache and fetch data directly


If you have Go installed you can install awsip as a Go application:

go install github.com/borud/awsip/cmd/awsip@latest


awsip implements three subcommands.

  • regions -- lists the regions available
  • services -- lists the services available
  • range -- lists IP ranges given regions and/or service constraints

The range command has the following command line options:

  awsip [OPTIONS] range [range-OPTIONS]

Application Options:
  -n, --no-cache                             do not use cache, download list directly
  -a, --max-cache-age=                       max age of cached file before re-download (default: 72h)
  -u, --url=                                 URL of AWS ranges JSON file (default: https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json)
  -v, --verbose                              verbose output

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                 Show this help message

[range command options]
      -s, --service=                         service, use AMAZON for superset of all services (default: AMAZON)
      -r, --region=                          region, use GLOBAL for superset of all regions (default: GLOBAL)
      -i, --ip=[4|6|0]                       IP version, use 0 for both IPv4 and IPv6 (default: 0)
      -f, --format=[table|html|markdown|csv] output format (default: table)
      -c, --no-color                         do not colorize output