
Simple rest application with UI

Primary LanguageJava

Trade Union: Full-Stack Spring Boot and React Application


A comprehensive full-stack web application built using Spring Boot for the backend and React for the frontend. In this project, I tried to implement a table view and the ability to process information using tables.

Table of Contents


  • User authentication and authorization. With different roles and permissions (the same Roles can have different permissions)
  • CRUD operations for managing data
  • Table view of data
  • Custom validation logic

Technologies Used

  • List the technologies and tools used in your project. For example:
    • Backend:
      • Spring Boot
      • Spring Security (JWT)
      • Hibernate
      • PostgreSQL
      • Flyway migration
    • Frontend:
      • React
      • DevExpress

Project Roadmap and Issues

Current Issues

๐Ÿ“Œ ะ•he frontend of the application lacks proper exception handling, which leads to poor user experience when unexpected errors occur.

Refactoring and Optimization

๐Ÿ“Œ Rewrite State Manager to Redux - Currently, the state management in the frontend is done using useContext, which can lead to performance issues and complex code. We should refactor the state management to use Redux for better organization and scalability.

๐Ÿ“Œ Frontend Code Refactoring - Refactor frontend code to improve maintainability and reduce spaghetti code O-o.

Getting Started

To get started with the Full-Stack Spring Boot and React Application, follow the steps below:


Before running the application, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK): Ensure you have Java 11 or later installed
  2. Node.js: Install Node.js, which includes npm (Node Package Manager)
  3. PostgreSQL Database: Install PostgreSQL on your system, and set up a database for the application
  4. Clone the repository to your local machine using Git:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/fullstack-spring-react.git
cd fullstack-spring-react


2.Create an application-local.properties file in the resources folder and write the following parameters in it

  1. Install frontend dependencies and build the React application:
cd frontend
npm install
npm run build
cd ..

Running the Application

Now you're all set to run the full-stack application:

  1. Start the Spring Boot backend server (if you haven't already):

./mvnw spring-boot:run

The backend server will be running at `http://localhost:8090.

  1. Start the React frontend server: cd frontend npm start

The frontend server will be running at http://localhost:3000.

API Documentation



Endpoint Method Description
/api/persons/all{page} GET Get a list of persons with pagination.
/api/persons GET Get a list of all persons.
/api/persons/pattern={startWith} GET Get a list of persons whose name starts with the specified pattern.
/api/persons/{userId} GET Get the person with the specified user ID.
/api/persons POST Add a new person.
/api/persons/{id} DELETE Delete the person with the specified ID.
/api/persons/{userId}/doc_member GET Get the document members associated with the person of the given user ID.
/api/persons/{userId}/doc_payment GET Get the document payments associated with the person of the given user ID.
/api/persons/{userId}/class_education GET Get the education information of the person with the given user ID.
/api/persons/{userId}/workplace GET Get the work places associated with the person of the given user ID.
/api/persons/{id} PUT Update the person with the specified ID.

Trade union

Endpoint Method Description
/api/union/{unionId} GET Get the trade union with the specified union ID.
/api/union/{unionId}/docpayments GET Get all document payments associated with the trade union of the given union ID.
/api/union/{unionId}/members{pageNumber} GET Get all active members associated with the trade union of the given union ID and page number.
/api/union/{unionId}/members GET Get all active members associated with the trade union of the given union ID.
/api/union GET Get a list of all trade unions.
/api/union/{unionId} DELETE Delete the trade union with the specified union ID.
/api/union POST Add a new trade union.
/api/union/{id} PUT Update the trade union with the specified ID.

Class education

Endpoint Method Description
/api/education/{typeEducationId}/allpersons GET Get a list of persons who are taking the specified type of education.
/api/education GET Get a list of all class education records.
/api/education/{id} GET Get the class education record with the specified ID.

Doc member

Endpoint Method Description
/api/union/docmember/all GET Get a list of document members who have not finished their membership.
/api/union/docmember/{num} GET Get the document member with the specified document number.

Doc Payment

Endpoint Method Description
/api/docpayments GET Get a list of all document payments.
/api/docpayments/{payId} GET Get the document payment with the specified payment ID.
/api/docpayments/{payId} DELETE Delete the document payment with the specified payment ID.
/api/docpayments/{payId} PUT Update the document payment with the specified payment ID.
/api/docpayments/count GET Get the quantity of payments per trade union.
/api/docpayments/count_statistic GET Get the quantity of payments that are not yet made per trade union.

Work Place

Endpoint Method Description
/api/union/workplace/all GET Get all work places.
/api/union/workplace/{workPlaceId} GET Get the work place with the specified ID.


Endpoint Method Description
/api/user/findEmail GET Get the user with the specified email.
/api/user GET Get the authenticated user with authorities.
/api/user/permissions GET Get the list of permissions for the specified role.
/api/user/change_password POST Change the password for the user with the specified email.


Endpoint Method Description
/api/auth/login POST Authenticates a user with the provided credentials.
/api/auth/logout POST Logs out the currently authenticated user.
/api/auth/register POST Registers a new user with the provided registration details.
/api/auth/refreshtoken POST Refreshes an access token using a valid refresh token.
/api/auth/validate POST Validates if the given token is still valid for the user.

User Interface Overview

In this section, I provide an overview of the user interface of our application. Below are some screenshots and videos showcasing different pages and functionalities.


Login page with validation


Register page


Working with tables

Different view with different roles





CRUD operations & Validation
