
Django scaffolding to help with using TeamDynamix API for an internal web application.

Primary LanguagePython

Project introduction

The purpose of this project is to hold Python programming code related to TeamDynamix.


The API portion of this code has now been moved to borwick/tdapi.

Folders within this project

  • app: Django code (currently empty)
  • requirements: Helpful starter requirements depending on what environment you're in, e.g. development vs. production.
  • td: Django settings.

How to start

Python virtualenv

The below will set up a virtual environment for this project called td:

mkvirtualenv td
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

You should make sure to use this virtual environment whenever you use this code.

Generating a Django secret key

from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string

chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)'
get_random_string(50, chars)

Your local settings

Create td/settings/local_settings.py and put in it...


The source for BEID and WebServicesKey is in TeamDynamix on the home page of the Admin app.

How to use

The code in td/settings/common.py will create a Django setting called TD_CONNECTION. This is then used by the API to let you do things like this:

from tdapi.project import TDProject
current_projects = TDProject.objects.current()
for project in current_projects:
    url = project.td_url
	start_date = project.start_date

Heads up/issues

Eventually I will try to remove the Django dependency in tdapi, at which point there may be more things to do in your Django settings file to create the TeamDynamix connection.