
Bayesian hierarchical ordinal models with ordered thresholds

Primary LanguageR

The R code that was used to perform all the analyses and produce all the plots described in this preprint is here.

The bhsdtr2 package overview

The bhsdtr2 package implements a new family of (Bayesian hierarchical) generalized linear models that can be used to model ordinal data. The main thing that differentiates the models in this family from other regression models that represent the outcome as a thresholded latent distribution is the new link functions. These functions allow for arbitrary effects in linearly ordered parameters, such as thresholds in Signal Detection Theory or some Item Response Theory models. Thanks to the new link functions such models can become members of the (hierarchical) generalized linear model family.

At present, the package implements Equal-Variance (EV) and Unequal-Variance (UV) Normal SDT, Dual Process SDT (Yonelinas), EV meta-d’, parsimonious (UV and EV) SDT, and meta-d’ (only EV) models (see this paper by Selker, van den Bergh, Criss, and Wagenmakers for an explanation of the term ‘parsimonious’ in this context), as well as more general ordinal models. It uses the state-of-the-art platform Stan for sampling from posterior distributions. The models can accommodate binary responses as well as ordered polytomous responses and an arbitrary number of nested or crossed random grouping factors. The parameters (e.g., d’, the thresholds, the ratio of standard deviations, the latent mean, the probability of recall) can be regressed on additional predictors within the same model via intermediate unconstrained parameters.

This is how a hierarchical SDT model can be fitted:

gabor$r = combined.response(gabor$stim, gabor$rating, gabor$acc)
m = bhsdtr(c(dprim ~ duration * order + (duration | id),
             thr ~ order + (1 | id)),
           r ~ stim,

Note that the only necessary arguments to the bhsdtr function are standard R model formulae and a dataset. Each parameter (here, dprim and thr(esholds)) corresponds to some unconstrained parameter. For example, by default the log link function is used for d’, i.e.,:

log(d’) = delta = some (possibly hierachical) linear regression model

which forces d’ to be non-negative (see the bhsdtr paper for a detailed explanation of why this is important) and, because log maps the non-negative (0,Inf) interval of possible d’ values into the (-Inf, Inf) interval of all reals, arbitrary positive or negative effects in delta = log(d’) are possible.

See this preprint for more details, including the reasons why the new link functions may be important in psychology


A fairly up-to-date version of R with the remotes package already installed.

Installing the package

The bhsdtr2 package, together will all of its dependencies, can be installed directly from this github repository using the devtools package:


Usage examples

The package contains the gabor dataset


## We do not care about the timestamp (the first column)
  duration trial acc id           order age gender rating stim
1    32 ms     1   0  4 DECISION-RATING  32      M      1    1
3    32 ms     3   1  4 DECISION-RATING  32      M      2    0
4    64 ms     4   1  4 DECISION-RATING  32      M      3    0
5    64 ms     5   1  4 DECISION-RATING  32      M      2    0
8    32 ms     8   1  4 DECISION-RATING  32      M      2    1
9    64 ms     9   0  4 DECISION-RATING  32      M      1    1

Most of the time the models are fitted using the bhsdtr function. The responses are automatically aggregated by this function to make the sampling more efficient. All ordinal models reguire an appropriate response or outcome variable. In the case of binary classification tasks this is a binary classification decision or a combined response which represents the binary decision and the rating as a single number. Below, for demonstration purposes, we create both kinds of responses:

gabor$r.binary = combined.response(gabor$stim, accuracy = gabor$acc)
gabor$r = combined.response(gabor$stim, gabor$rating, gabor$acc)
## This shows what the two kinds of response variables represent
unique(gabor[order(gabor$r), c('stim', 'r.binary', 'acc', 'rating',  'r')])
     stim r.binary acc rating r
4       0        1   1      3 1
1064    1        1   0      3 1
3       0        1   1      2 2
32      1        1   0      2 2
1       1        1   0      1 3
21      0        1   1      1 3
35      0        1   1      0 4
52      1        1   0      0 4
53      0        2   0      0 5
96      1        2   1      0 5
34      1        2   1      1 6
44      0        2   0      1 6
8       1        2   1      2 7
36      0        2   0      2 7
13      1        2   1      3 8
239     0        2   0      3 8

Here is how you can fit the basic EV Normal SDT model with one threshold (criterion) to a subsample of the gabor dataset:

m = bhsdtr(c(dprim ~ 1, thr ~ 1),
           r.binary ~ stim,
           gabor[gabor$order == 'DECISION-RATING' & gabor$duration == '32 ms' &
                 gabor$id == 1,])

There is no regression structure here, i.e., we only have one d’ (dprim ~ 1) and, since we do not use the ratings, we have one threshold (thr ~ 1). The r.binary ~ stim formula tells the bhsdtr function which variables represent the response and the stimulus class. Since we did not add the method = ‘stan’ argument the model is quickly fitted using the rstan::optimization function. Here are the jmap point estimates of the model parameters:

samples(m, 'dprim')
nof. samples: 1
samples(m, 'thr')
nof. samples: 1

In bhsdtr2, the link-transformed parameters (i.e., delta - d’, metad’, or R, gamma - the thresholds, theta - the sd ratio, and eta - the mean of the underlying distribution) have normal priors with default mean and standard deviation values that depend on the model type and the link function. If you want to use non-default priors you can alter the elements of the model object and fit it again using the fit function:

## Here we introduce strong priors which imply that d' is near zero
m.alt = set.prior(m, delta_prior_fixed_mu = log(.5), delta_prior_fixed_sd = .5)
m.alt = fit(m.alt)
samples(m.alt, 'dprim')
nof. samples: 1

Internally, the priors are specified using matrices:

[1,] -0.6931472

In this case there is only one d’ fixed effect (i.e., the intercept), and d’ has only one dimension (it has two dimensions in the meta-d’ model and in one version of the DPSDT model), so the prior matrices for the mean and the standard deviation of d’ fixed effects have dimension 1x1. You can provide vectors or matrices of prior parameter values when calling the set.prior function; The vectors will be used to fill the relevant matrices in column-major order, the matrices must have the same dimensions as the paramter matrix.

Here is how you can fit the hierarchical EV Normal SDT model in which we assume that d’ depends on duration (dprim ~ duration) and order (… * order), that both the intercept and the effect of duration may vary between participants (duration | id), and the thresholds - which may also vary between participants (1 | id) - depend only on order (thr ~ order):

m = bhsdtr(c(dprim ~ duration * order + (duration | id),
             thr ~ order + (1 | id)),
           r ~ stim, gabor)

Here is what happens when we use the samples function on this model:

samples(m, 'dprim')
nof. samples: 1
32 ms:DECISION-RATING    1.07
32 ms:RATING-DECISION    1.21
64 ms:DECISION-RATING    2.89
64 ms:RATING-DECISION    5.22

Even though the model matrix for the d’ (actually delta) parameter has an interactive term (duration * order), the samples function does not show the difference between the effects of duration caused by order; instead, it gives condition-specific d’ estimates. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, by default d’ and delta are non-linearly related by the log / exp function, and exp of a difference is in general different from the difference of exps. To estimate the difference in d’ one first has to obtain the estimates of d’ in each condition and than calculate the difference, not the other way round. Secondly, one of the great advantages of having the posterior samples is that arbitrary contrasts can be computed, which is typically easier when the samples represent within-condition estimates. For example, this is how we can calculate the 95% HPD intervals for the effect of duration on d’ averaged over order’:

## We need to refit the model using the Stan sampler
m.stan = fit(m, method = 'stan')
dprim = samples(m.stan, 'dprim')
## dprim[,1,] because d' has one dimension (it is a scalar) in an SDT model
coda::HPDinterval(coda::as.mcmc(dprim[,1,] %*% c(-.5, -.5, .5, .5)))
        lower    upper
var1 2.131154 2.920363
[1] 0.95

Since the third dimension is named based on the unique combination of the values of the predictors, you can also do this:

coda::HPDinterval(coda::as.mcmc(dprim[,1,'64 ms:DECISION-RATING'] - dprim[,1,'32 ms:DECISION-RATING']))
        lower   upper
var1 1.742577 2.58346
[1] 0.95

The object returned by the samples function contains either the point jmap estimates or the posterior samples. Posterior samples are stored as a three dimensional array; the first dimension is the sample number, the second dimension corresponds to the dimensionality of the parameter (d’ has 1, meta-d’ has 2, thresholds have K - 1, sd ratio has 1, latent mean has 1), and the third dimension corresponds to all the unique combinations of the predictors that appear in the model formula for the given parameter.

To fit the UV version of this model you have to introduce the model formula for the sdratio parameter. Here, for example, we assume that the ratio of the standard deviations may vary between participants:

m = bhsdtr(c(dprim ~ duration * order + (duration | id),
             thr ~ order + (1 | id),
             sdratio ~ 1 + (1 | id)),
           r ~ stim,

To fit a hierarchical meta-d’ model you just have to replace the dprim parameter with the metad parameter:

m = bhsdtr(c(metad ~ duration * order + (duration | id),
             thr ~ order + (1 | id)),
           r ~ stim,

The first element of the metad parameter vector is the “type 1” sensitivity and the second element is the meta-sensitivity:

samples(m, 'metad')
nof. samples: 1
                      metad.1 metad.2
32 ms:DECISION-RATING    1.19    1.02
32 ms:RATING-DECISION    1.40    1.35
64 ms:DECISION-RATING    2.90    2.54
64 ms:RATING-DECISION    5.48    5.87

Just by changing the link function for the thresholds you can fit the parsimonious version of an SDT model (here UV):

m = bhsdtr(c(dprim ~ duration * order + (duration | id),
             thr ~ order + (1 | id),
             sdratio ~ 1 + (1 | id)),
           r ~ stim, links = list(gamma = 'parsimonious'),

Note that the models that use the parsimonious or the twoparameter link function represent the thresholds as a two-element vector, so the number of the thresholds is in general greater than the number of the corresponding unconstrained gamma parameters in such models.

samples(m, 'thr')
nof. samples: 1
                thr.1 thr.2 thr.3 thr.4 thr.5 thr.6 thr.7
DECISION-RATING -2.31 -1.34 -0.66 -0.07  0.52  1.19  2.17
RATING-DECISION -2.77 -1.65 -0.86 -0.18  0.50  1.28  2.41
samples(m, 'gamma')
nof. samples: 1
                gamma.1 gamma.2
DECISION-RATING   -0.07    0.14
RATING-DECISION   -0.18    0.29

You can use the plot method to see how the model fits:


If you used the stan sampler to fit the model you will be able to enjoy the stan summary table for the unconstrained parameters:

print(m.stan$stanfit, probs = c(.025, .975),
      pars = c('delta_fixed', 'gamma_fixed'))
Inference for Stan model: 035489421d99243cac4e70e32e5540cb.
7 chains, each with iter=5000; warmup=2000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=3000, total post-warmup draws=21000.

                  mean se_mean   sd  2.5% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
delta_fixed[1,1] -0.09       0 0.14 -0.38  0.18  5352    1
delta_fixed[1,2]  1.21       0 0.11  1.01  1.44  7330    1
delta_fixed[1,3] -0.29       0 0.22 -0.73  0.15  6974    1
delta_fixed[1,4]  0.45       0 0.17  0.12  0.78  8744    1
gamma_fixed[1,1] -0.43       0 0.14 -0.71 -0.15  5394    1
gamma_fixed[1,2]  0.28       0 0.23 -0.18  0.72  6168    1
gamma_fixed[2,1] -0.57       0 0.13 -0.82 -0.32  6531    1
gamma_fixed[2,2]  0.25       0 0.20 -0.15  0.63  7149    1
gamma_fixed[3,1] -0.04       0 0.11 -0.25  0.17  6393    1
gamma_fixed[3,2] -0.20       0 0.17 -0.54  0.14  6257    1
gamma_fixed[4,1]  0.08       0 0.07 -0.07  0.22  7225    1
gamma_fixed[4,2] -0.19       0 0.12 -0.43  0.04  8277    1
gamma_fixed[5,1] -0.51       0 0.16 -0.82 -0.21  6411    1
gamma_fixed[5,2]  0.17       0 0.25 -0.32  0.64  6870    1
gamma_fixed[6,1] -0.90       0 0.15 -1.19 -0.61  8135    1
gamma_fixed[6,2]  0.27       0 0.23 -0.19  0.71  8705    1
gamma_fixed[7,1] -0.22       0 0.10 -0.43 -0.02  7690    1
gamma_fixed[7,2]  0.21       0 0.17 -0.12  0.55  7923    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue Sep 22 20:02:18 2020.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

and you will see the predictive intervals in the response distribution plots:

plot(m.stan, vs = c('duration', 'order'), verbose = F)

and the ROC plots:

plot(m.stan, vs = c('duration', 'order'), type = 'roc',  verbose = F)

Note that if you are interested in the random effects’ standard deviations or correlation matrices you will have to access the stan posterior samples directly rather through the samples function.

A warning about the priors for d’ and meta-d’ fixed effects

By default, d’ (meta-d’) are represented as delta = log(d’) (log(meta-d’)) and the prior on delta is normal. This means that the implied prior on d’ is *log-*normal. This is how the default prior on d’ fixed effect looks like:

m = bhsdtr(c(dprim ~ 1, thr ~ 1), r ~ stim, gabor, method = F)
curve(dlnorm(x, m$sdata$delta_prior_fixed_mu, m$sdata$delta_prior_fixed_sd),
      0, 4, main = 'Default prior for d\' fixed effects', xlab = 'd\'', ylab = 'p(d\')')

This is perhaps not very informative in typical situations, but this prior does exclude 0, although in practice posterior d’ samples equal to 0 are not excluded because of the finite precision of floating point numbers. It is now possible to use a more sophisticated prior for d’ if the separate intercepts parametrization is used: when using the id_log link function for delta, d’ = delta fixed effect * exp(sum of delta random effects), which means that delta (fixed effect) = d’, i.e., identity link function is used for the d’ / delta fixed effects, but the random effects are still on the log scale, as they should be.

m = bhsdtr(c(dprim ~ 1 + (1 | id), thr ~ 1 + (1 | id)), r ~ stim,
           gabor[gabor$duration == '32 ms' & gabor$order == 'DECISION-RATING', ],
           list(delta = 'id_log'))
samples(m, 'dprim')
nof. samples: 1
## delta_fixed == d' when id_log is used
round(m$jmapfit$par['delta_fixed[1,1]'], 2)

When this link function is used, the prior on delta fixed effects is a normal distribution truncated at 0. This way non-negativity of d’ is preserved, but d’ = 0 is not excluded by the fixed effects’ prior even in theory. This link function and prior can be especially useful when e.g., the Savage-Dickey density ratio Bayes Factors are to be estimated for the d’ or meta-d’ fixed effects to test if they are zero. However, that the id_log link function can only be used when there are no quantitative predictors (i.e., only factors) and the separate intercepts parametrization is used for the fixed effects, i.e., dprim (or metad) ~ 1, or ~ -1 + f1:…:fn, as well as for the random effects, i.e., (1 | g), or (-1 + fl:…:fk | g), where g is the grouping factor.