exorcism iteratively apply the distance-k ExorLink cube transformation to cube pairs. If replacement of the starting cubes by the resulting cubes leads to simplification, the cover is modified without changing the function represented by it.
This implementation is based on [4].
- Maximum of 32 inputs.
- Single output.
The input must be an ASCII file in standard PLA format, representing a single-output Boolean function. In the current version, the don’t-cares of the input function are ignored and only the on-set of the function is considered.
- Implement pair queue as circular buffers.
- Implement exorlink-4 operation.
- Add support for multiple outputs.
[1] N. Song, M. Perkowski, "EXORCISM-MV-2: Minimization of Exclusive Sum of Product Expressions for Multiple-Valued Input Incompletely Specified Functions," Proc. ISMVL 1993, pp. 132-137
[2] N. Song, M. Perkowski, "Minimization of Exclusive Sum of Products Expressions for Multi-Output Multiple-Valued Input, Incompletely Specified Functions," IEEE Trans. on CAD, Vol. 15, No. 4, April 1996, pp. 385-395.
[3] N. Song. "Minimization of Exclusive Sum of Product Expressions for Multi-Valued Input Incompletely Specified Functions." M.S. Thesis. EE Dept. Portland State University. Portland, OR, 1992.
[4] A. Mishchenko and M. Perkowski. "Fast heuristic minimization of Exclusive-Sums-of-Products." In 5th International Workshop on Applications of the Reed Muller Expansion in Circuit Design August 2001