
Provide an easy way to read from or write to files in Common Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT



Provide an easy way to read from or write to files in Common Lisp. The contents of the file are placed into a sequence, whose type can be specified, with an optionally specified element type as well. The contents of a sequence can also be stored into a file, with an optionally specified element type.

Change Log

2006-10-02Jonathan LeeOriginal version 0.01 of slurp-file function.
2008-10-15Jonathan LeeOriginal version 0.01 of spit-file function.
2011-08-23Jonathan LeeCombined the two file I/O functions into a single package for ease of reference.
2013-12-20Jonathan LeeImproved documentation. Added markdown README file for Github repository default page.

Loading the project

To load this project, use QuickLisp, ASDF or simply load the file-io.lisp file in your Lisp REPL.

(ql:quickload "file-io")


(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-file "file-io")


(load "/path/to/project/file-io/file-io.lisp")


The slurp-file function provides an easy and fast way to retrieve the contents of a file.

The function is based on a series of tests designed by Gene Michael Stover to discover the fastest method of retrieving data from a file.

I have extended the function to allow the caller to specify what type of sequence to return and what element type is used to extract the file contents.

slurp-file Usage:

(file-io:slurp-file "/pathname/to/your/file")

(file-io:slurp-file "/pathname/to/your/file" :seq-type :array :element-type 'integer)

(file-io:slurp-file "/pathname/to/your/file" :seq-type :list :element-type '(byte 8))

The spit-file function provides an easy and fast way to create a file from the contents of a sequence.

spit-file Usage:

(file-io:spit-file "File contents sequence" "/pathname/to/your/file")

(file-io:spit-file #(72 101 108 108 111) "/pathname/to/your/file" :element-type 'integer)

(file-io:spit-file (list 67 111 110 116 101 110 116 115)
                   :element-type '(byte 8)
                   :file-exists :append)
