This project was created for the 605.202 Data Structures class taken at Johns Hopkins University.
Created an elevator stimulation for a single elevator, with five floors; people are pre-scheduled to get on/off certain floors. The applications uses the stacks data structure for this specific stimulation. The data for the stimulation comes from a text file.
- Usage
- Requirements
- Development
- Running the program
- [Documentation] (#documentation)
- Team
Make sure you are setup with below mentioned requirements. Fork and have fun.
- Java version 7 or 8
- JDK 1.7 or 1,8
- IDE, either IntelliJ or Eclipse preferred
From the terminal within the root directory:
-- recompile all classes javac *.java
-- run the program java ElevatorStimulation
-- Prompted to enter input file use elevator input data.txt
Refer to javadocs, in the doc folder for more information.
Solo Project