
Brasil Delicioso

Primary LanguageJavaScript

O Que o Brasil tem de... + Delicioso


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Contact: braulio.silveira@hedgehogdigital.co.uk
Hedgehog Digital Jun 2023

Um país plural cheio de cores, culturas e sabores.


This React Single-Page Application (SPA) is designed to showcase the diverse culinary landscape of Brazil. It allows users to explore different regions and states of Brazil to discover unique local cuisines and wine suggestions. With an interactive map of Brazil, users can easily navigate and immerse themselves in the rich flavors, cultures, and colors of this diverse country.


  • Interactive map of Brazil
  • Selection of regions and states
  • Information about local cuisine
  • Wine suggestions to complement the dishes

Technologies Used

  • React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • React Router (HashRouter): Library for routing within a React application
  • HTML: Markup language for creating web pages
  • CSS: Styling language for designing web pages


To run this application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/bosilveira/hedgehog-sabores.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory
  3. Install the dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the development server: npm start
  5. Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:3000


  • On the front page, you will find an interactive map of Brazil.
  • Click on a specific region or state to explore its local cuisine.
  • You will be provided with information about traditional dishes from that region or state.
  • Additionally, wine suggestions will be given to enhance the dining experience.


If you have any questions or inquiries about this project, please feel free to reach out to us:


This code repository is exclusively intended for internal use within our organization. The code and files provided in this repository are strictly prohibited from being distributed or used publicly. We kindly request that you refrain from utilizing or sharing the contents of this repository without obtaining explicit permission from the organization. Prior authorization must be obtained from the organization before utilizing or disseminating any of the materials. Your understanding and cooperation in adhering to the intended usage of these files are greatly appreciated.

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