
A nginx rtmp stream duplicator for simultaneous streams to youtube and facebook.


To start the container use

docker run -d -p 1935:1935 -e RTMP_STREAM=<yourcustomrtmpstream> -e YOUTUBE_KEY=<youryoutubekey> -e FACEBOOK_KEY="<yourfbkey>" boskisam/restreamer

facebook stream keys needs to be in quotes.


You need to set up the environment variables while launching the container. Do that with docker run -e

  • YOUTUBE_KEY - Youtube stream key

  • FACEBOOK_KEY - Facebook stream key

  • RTMP_STREAM - custom rtmp stream, ie. my.ip:21935/live


Nginx listens on port 1935. For increased security if used online, publish it to random high port. -p 31231:1935