Closed this issue · 12 comments
FlutterBluePlus Version
Flutter Version
What OS?
Android, iOS
OS Version
Android 13 - IOS 14.5.1
What happened?
Try to write 509 byte to pass a file and this error occurred
Error general execute command: FlutterBluePlusException: writeCharacteristic: (code: 13) GATT_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH
[FBP-Android] onMethodCall: writeCharacteristic
[FBP-Android] onCharacteristicChanged: uuid: ed2af5d6-d595-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003
[FBP-Android] onCharacteristicWrite: uuid: ed2af5d6-d595-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003 status: 13
│ #0 DeviceFirmwareUpgradeBloc.upgradeFirmwareNotification.<anonymous closure> (package:xxxx_core/features/firmware_upgrade/device/bloc/device_firmware_upgrade_bloc.dart:209:14)
│ #1 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1407:47)
│ 11:41:42.524 (+0:02:05.759071)
│ 🐛 Upgrade notify [0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0]
│ #0 BLECommandsTailBloc._executeCommand (package:xxxx_core/features/bluetooth/bloc/ble_commands_tail_bloc.dart:58:14)
│ #1 <asynchronous suspension>
│ 11:41:42.545 (+0:02:05.779935)
│ ⛔ Error general execute command: FlutterBluePlusException: writeCharacteristic: (code: 13) GATT_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH
D/[FBP-Android]( 3662): [FBP-Android] onMethodCall: writeCharacteristic
D/[FBP-Android]( 3662): [FBP-Android] onCharacteristicWrite: uuid: ed2af5d6-d595-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003 status: 13
│ #0 BLECommandsTailBloc._executeCommand (package:xxxx_core/features/bluetooth/bloc/ble_commands_tail_bloc.dart:58:14)
│ #1 <asynchronous suspension>
│ 11:41:42.651 (+0:02:05.885696)
│ ⛔ Error general execute command: FlutterBluePlusException: writeCharacteristic: (code: 13) GATT_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH
D/[FBP-Android]( 3662): [FBP-Android] onCharacteristicChanged: uuid: ed2af5d6-d595-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003
is 1.14.12 the first version with this problem?
how many bytes can you successfully write at most with characteristic.write(...)
? do smaller writes work?
what is your MTU?
I think your problem is that you need to wait for the requestMtu to finish.
your mtu is too small
i saw it also in the older version 1.4.0 but only in IOS with the new version also in android
The mtu is 512
Also try with smaller writes
can you try using writeLarge? make sure the mtu is set correctly
import 'dart:math';
// split large writes
extension WriteLarge on BluetoothCharacteristic {
Future<void> writeLarge(List<int> value, int mtu, {int timeout = 15}) async {
int chunk = mtu-3;
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i += chunk) {
List<int> subvalue = value.sublist(i, min(i + chunk, value.length));
await write(subvalue, withoutResponse:false, timeout: timeout);
i can't use it because i have to wait the answer form the other side
Your firmware does not allow 512 bytes writes.
update your firmware, or write less at one time.
ok i'll check we the firmware guys.
I have same issue, is this solved?
Debug log
D/[FBP-Android]( 9124): [FBP-Android] onMethodCall: requestMtu
D/BluetoothGatt( 9124): configureMTU() - device: CB:4E:FD:**:**:** mtu: 512
D/BluetoothGatt( 9124): onConfigureMTU() - Device=CB:4E:FD:**:**:** mtu=200 status=0
D/[FBP-Android]( 9124): [FBP-Android] onMtuChanged: mtu: 200 status: 0
D/[FBP-Android]( 9124): [FBP-Android] onMethodCall: writeCharacteristic
D/BluetoothGatt( 9124): writeCharacteristic() - uuid: 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D/BluetoothGatt( 9124): onCharacteristicWrite() - Device=CB:4E:FD:**:**:** handle=3 Status=13
D/[FBP-Android]( 9124): [FBP-Android] onCharacteristicWrite: uuid: 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb status: 13
I/flutter ( 9124): FlutterBluePlusException: writeCharacteristic: (code: 13) GATT_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH
This is write I want
await c.write([0xaa, 0xaa, 0xcc, 0x32, 4, 4, 4, 0xFF, 2, 2, 1, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01], allowLongWrite: true);
How can I split write command?
the problem is your device firmware.
your device has a small limit configured for characteristic size.
I confirm that the problem was firmware side!