Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android, iOS, macOS
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[Help]: device is not disconnecting in iOS, disconnect method is not working. But in Android it is OK.
#1020 opened by shimulxx - 2
[Feature]: Linux Support
#983 opened by chipweinberger - 2
[Help]: PlatformException(iosException, Client Characteristic Configuration descriptors must be configured using setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic:, in flutter_blue_plus
#1025 opened by EINS-SD-MOHAMMED - 2
[Help]: Why does clearGattCache need device to be connected?
#1024 opened by shubhamsinghmutualmobile - 1
[Help]: CONNECTION_TERMINATED_BY_LOCAL_HOST getting error in android connection
#1023 opened by JaydipGateway - 1
#1021 opened by apiTpierson - 9
- 1
[Help]: Can Not Build with Debug
#1017 opened by mztlive - 1
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[Help] Android: SCAN_FAILED_ALREADY_STARTED after turning Bluetooth Off then On #849
#1002 opened by tucici - 1
[Help]: Android - The FlutterBluePlus.isScanning's state is not change back to False when timeout for the first time user opens app
#1016 opened by minhdang2803 - 4
[Help]: IOS: FlutterBluePlus.startScan() automatically opens AppSettings
#1015 opened by minhdang2803 - 6
[BUG]: Characteristic read errors in IOS
#1009 opened by mu-fazil-vk - 4
[Bug]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.lib.flutter_blue_plus.FlutterBluePlusPlugin$OperationOnPermission.op(boolean, java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
#1014 opened by BreadKey - 1
[Feature]: stop the unnecessary Bluetooth scanning
#1012 opened by tenSunFree - 1
[Help]: Error when running the example app on the main branch as of 2024/10/06
#1011 opened by oh-naoki - 3
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[Help]: Device name is broken when reconnecting
#1006 opened by tkddbf7348 - 2
[Help]: example app crashes on macOS
#999 opened by WBP20 - 1
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[Help]: Android: `disconnect` says `already disconnected` instead of canceling autoconnect
#993 opened by samnbd - 1
[Help]: Auto connect issue
#998 opened by Mohd-ajmal - 4
[Help]: Admissible throughput: delayed "Keep Alive" Messages Over Bluetooth Characteristic
#997 opened by lorenzosfarra - 2
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[Help]: setNotifyValue | fbp-code: 1 | Timed out after 15s for a particular characteristic
#986 opened by devtyagi-c - 11
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[Help]: Bluetooth adapter was disabled, but the connection was not disconnected on the Android 14 device
#988 opened by cow-yoon - 4
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[Help]: Can't compile Example for Android
#989 opened by olivierkastel - 1
[Help]: PlatformException(iosException, Client Characteristic Configuration descriptors must be configured using setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic: )
#991 opened by sulamantcig - 3
[Help]: How can I track the fact that bluetooth devices are connected/disconnected to a smartphone, if this devices connect not from my app?
#987 opened by GAG888 - 4
[Help]: setLogLevel always request for permission
#985 opened by beastoin - 3
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[Help]: Flutter Scanning Not Functioning in the Background (Android and iOS)
#982 opened by NaynaAsodariya - 3
[Help]: Two phones can't be bounded simultaneously to the same peripheral.
#979 opened by gaetanDubuc - 10
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[Help]: I have a Barcode Scanner, but services list is empty, how can I listen to scans?
#980 opened by burekas7 - 3
[Help]: MacOS Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException
#977 opened by czhah - 1
[Feature]: Classic Bluetooth Support
#976 opened by M-Tayyab-Mustafa - 2
[Help]: What if i just want to know if the bluetooth enabled or not what permissions should i put in android manifest
#973 opened by shehabmohamed0 - 4
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[Help]: ble scan permission popup appears twice
#966 opened by hiperioncn - 2
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[Help]: BluetoothDevice.fromProto::platformName
#968 opened by nissaba