
raylib 4.1-dev + ANGLE test (32bit only)

Primary LanguageCzlib LicenseZlib


raylib + ANGLE test (32bit only)

raylib: https://github.com/raysan5/raylib

open ./projects/VS2019.ANGLE/raylib.sln and run.

It uses ./projects/VS2019.ANGLE/lib/x86/libGLESv2.lib and ./projects/VS2019.ANGLE/lib/x86//libEGL.lib, and starts with Direct3D11 (using libGLESv2.dll, libEGL.dll and d3dcompiler_47.dll, those are already in ./projects/VS2019.ANGLE/examples/core_basic_window/Debug/ directory, with compiled .exe).

Screenshot (167)

NOTE: noticed that if there are spaces in directory (ie ./PROGAMMING/raylib_angle (copy)/ then compilation failed (happened VS2022). So dont use spaces in directories' names (which is good advice always, spaces can be replaced with _ and windows/linux softwares cant complain)