
Implementation of the game Connect Four using OpenGL, with two AI algorithms to play against.

Primary LanguageC++


Implementation of the game Connect Four using OpenGL, with two AI algorithms to play against.
This program uses OpenGL and GLUT for rendering.

Compiling (Windows)

To compile, just run the following command:

g++ -o ConnectFour.exe src/Drawing.cpp src/Game.cpp src/MinmaxStrategy.cpp src/MonteCarloStrategy.cpp src/RandomStrategy.cpp src/Test.cpp src/main.cpp -Iinclude -lopengl32 -lglut32

You need GLUT library for the compilation to succeed.

How to play

Use the mouse to place the piece on one of the collunms.
Also, the following keyboard inputs can be pressed:

  • ESC: restarts the game.
  • 1: Changes player 1 controller (note 1).
  • 2: Changes player 2 controller (note 1).

Note 1: Controller is who is going to make the decision for the player, defaulted to "Human Player" (waits for user input).
Controller can also be:

  • "MinMax (5)" (an AI implementation of the Min-Max algorithm with max. deep of 5, pretty silly and the slowest).
  • "MinMax (8)" (Min-Max algorithm with max. deep of 8, even slower, takes 1.5 seconds at worse to decide a move).
  • "MonteCarlo (100)" (an AI implementation of the Monte Carlo algorithm with 100 as number of playouts before making the move).
  • "MonteCarlo (5000)" (Monte Carlo algorithm with 5000 playouts, slower than the 100 version and in theory the most difficult).
  • "Random CPU" (Decides randomly where to play, requires no computing power, but it plays nonsense).