
CircuitAI is a real time chatbot assistant powered with OpenAI's GPT-3 and implemented with NextJS 13, TypeScript, SWR, UpStash, Redis, WebSockets, TailwindCSS, Framer Motion and NextAuth.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

CircuitAI: AI ChatBot Assistant with OpenAI GPT-3 model

CircuitAI is a case study of a full-stack web application featuring a chatbot assistant powered by the OpenAI API.

  • Used Davinci AI model that can understand user questions and generate natural language responses.
  • Utilized Next.js v13 with the experimental appDirectory feature and TypeScript on the front-end, with Upstash and Redis for serverless back-end functionality.
  • Implemented OAuth for user authentication and Pusher Channels for real-time messaging.
  • Used SWR for efficient data fetching and caching.
  • Styled the application with Tailwind CSS.
  • Utilized Framer Motion to create interactive and animated UI components.
  • Set up continuous integration and deployment using GitHub Actions
  • This project allowed me to explore the capabilities of artificial intelligence in web development and gain experience with serverless architecture and real-time communication.


🔗 Open live Demo

Tech Stack

  • Next.js
  • React.js
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Framer Motion
  • OpenAI API, GPT-3 models
  • SWR (stale-while-revalidate)
  • Upstash
  • Redis in-memory DB
  • Pusher real-time Channels (WebSocket API)
  • NextAuth
  • Google OAuth
  • GitHub OAuth


  • Responsive UI with Tailwind CSS.
  • AI ChatBot that can understand general natural language.
  • Chat messages updated in real-time via WebSockets.
  • Chat log stored in Redis.
  • Data fetching and caching techniques using SWR— a strategy to first return the data from cache (stale), then send the fetch request (revalidate), and finally come with the up-to-date data.
  • NextAuth with Google and GitHub OAuth providers.
  • Robust code using TypeScript.


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First, clone the project and open it with Visual Studio Code:

git clone https://github.com/javigong/circuitai-nextjs-typescript-redis-tailwind-nextauth.git

cd circuitai-nextjs-typescript-redis-tailwind-nextauth

code .

Then, create a .env.local file in the root of the project and configure the following environment variables:

# Redis DB

# Pusher

# Vercel system variables

#Google Auth

# Next Auth

# OpenAI

Finally, install the npm dependencies and run the application:

npm install

npm run dev

Now the application is running on http://localhost:3000 🚀

Deployment details

CircuitAI deployed using Vercel:
