
Simple library for me to test out playing with hatchling https://pypi.org/project/hatchling/

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CI/CD CI - Test CD - Build
Package PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version
Meta Hatch project code style - black types - Mypy License - MIT GitHub Sponsors

๐ŸŽˆ Python Package Template

โœจ Features

  • Package configuration with pyproject.toml built with hatch
  • Code formatting and linting with ruff, and black
  • Dockerfile with package installation
  • pre-commit configuration file
  • GitHub Codespaces can be created from .devcontainer
  • CI-CD Pipelines with GitHub Actions
  • Basic pytest set-up for unit tests
  • Auto-generated docs with mkdocs and mkdocs-material

๐Ÿšš Replacements

  • hatchpoc: name of the package (usually the same name as the repository in which it's hosted).
  • REPLACE_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION: description of the package.
  • Malcolm Jones: user's full name.
  • bossjones@theblacktonystark.com: user's email.
  • bossjones: GitHub username of the package owner.

Example repo



pip install hatchpoc


To work with your project you can drop into a shell that keeps your dependencies synced with the entries in your pyproject.toml file. You can have dependency groups there that allow for custom shells.

You can enter a shell simply with:

hatch shell
# You can still run other shell commands such as git helpers from within the shell
hatch run git:commit

Project dependencies for the build can be listed with:

โฏ hatch dep show table
 Env: default
โ”ƒ Name       โ”ƒ
โ”‚ black      โ”‚
โ”‚ pytest     โ”‚
โ”‚ pytest-cov โ”‚
โ”‚ ruff       โ”‚

You can update these and include sub shells in your pyproject.toml. Environments

Working on the project source code with code-completion can be done by simply calling: hatch shell.


Commitzen is used to handle the version bumping (Hatch can do this as well but doesn't get git tags by default)^1

hatch run git:version

(It is really a wrapper for cz bump {args})

โฏ hatch run git:version --help


Helper functions for nice commit messages are also built-in using commitizen.

hatch run git:commit


Hatch complies with modern Python packaging specs and therefore your projects can be used by other tools with Hatch serving as just the build backend.

Invoking the build command without any arguments will build the sdist and wheel targets:


hatch build


After your project is built, you can distribute it using the publish command.

The -p/--publisher option controls which publisher to use, with the default being index.


hatch publish


When you run the remove-poetry with the -c option which create a virtual environment for you, you will also get pip-tools and hatch installed. Pip-tools is a set of tools to help you manage your dependencies. As the name suggests, it is based on pip. The most basic workflow will look something like this:

Add a new package in your pyproject.toml (or requirements.ini if you prefer) file and run pip-compile to generate a new requirements.txt file.

pip-tools compile -o requirements.txt pyproject.toml --resolver=backtracking

The command also take an --extra option to specify dependencies groups, more infos on their github readme.


pip-sync will synchronize your virtual environment with the requirements.txt file, this means that any package in the virtual environment that is not in the requirements.txt file will be removed. You can also just use a good old python -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies.


Installed at the same time as pip-tools, Hatch is the build system specified in the pyproject.toml file. Since you are probably not going to package and publish your django project you don't really need it, but pip-tools does need a build system defined to work.

!!! Quote "Official hatch documentation" Hatch is a modern, extensible Python project manager.

Hatch does everything you need to manage a python project, dependencies, virtual environments, packaging, publishing, scripts, etc and it also uses the pyproject.toml file. The one available after the remove-poetry command is a good base to start using hatch.

Just run

hatch env create

Read the hatch documentation for more infos.


hatcpoc is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Since this uses pip-tools, theres a bit of a chicken and egg situation here

# In activated venv, install dependencies
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.10 python-hatch-poc3
pyenv activate python-hatch-poc3
just hatch-dev-upgrade