
A test file structure to demonstrate a possible jshint bug

Primary LanguageShell

Possible jshint bug

The files in this repository contain == comparisons and undefined variables. The .jshintrc file defines global "undef": false and "eqeqeq": true rules for all files in the project, which ignores the undefined variables but complains about the ==s. An "override" is configured for files matching src/app/**/*.js enforcing "undef": true on those files.

  "undef": false,
  "eqeqeq": true,
  "overrides": {
    "src/app/**/*.js": {
      "undef": true

Using this configuration jshint should display == errors for all files, undef errors for src/app/main/js/main.js but no undef errors for app/index.js.


The following commands shows that the --filename option doesn't have the desired effect when passing the file over STDIN.

Commands can be run by running the test.sh script.

Check version

$ jshint --version
jshint v2.9.1

Linting index.js passing file as argument

$ jshint --verbose src/index.js
src/index.js: line 1, col 24, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)

1 error

Works as expected.

Linting index.js passing file over STDIN

$ jshint --verbose --filename src/index.js - < src/index.js
/Users/bostrfr/Projects/Learning/jshint-filename/src/index.js: line 1, col 24, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)

1 error

Works as expected.

Linting main.js passing file as argument

$ jshint --verbose src/app/main/js/main.js
src/app/main/js/main.js: line 1, col 22, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)
src/app/main/js/main.js: line 1, col 15, 'main' is not defined. (W117)
src/app/main/js/main.js: line 1, col 30, 'main' is not defined. (W117)

3 errors

Works as expected.

Linting main.js passing file over STDIN

$ jshint --verbose --filename src/app/main/js/main.js - < src/app/main/js/main.js
/Users/bostrfr/Projects/Learning/jshint-filename/src/app/main/js/main.js: line 1, col 22, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='. (W116)

1 error

Unexpected result! The "overrides" configuration doesn't seem to have any effect in this case!


Changing the "overrides" matching pattern to "**/src/app/**/*.js" will again match the main.js file in the above case.

  "undef": false,
  "eqeqeq": true,
  "overrides": {
    "**/src/app/**/*.js": {
      "undef": true