Hybrid commands are commands that can translate to both slash commands and chat commands. This is useful for when you want to create a slash and chat command that have the same functionality.
Let's suppose that you have a basic ping command for the command types; slash and chat, that returns a message back to the user when invoked. Usually with Kord-Extensions you would write these commands out separately.
chatCommand {
name = "Ping"
description = "Sends a response back"
action {
publicSlashCommand {
name = "Ping"
description = "Sends a response back"
action {
respond { content = "Pong" }
Although this works, having 2 commands for the same purpose can be hard to manage and keep consistent. If you decide to change anything about your command, you will have to do this for both commands. Hybrid Commands solves this by combining the slash and chat command dsl builder into one.
You can create a hybrid command using the pubicHybridCommand
or ephemeralHybridCommand
dsl builder in the Extension
class. Our ping command would now be written like this.
publicHybridCommand {
name = "Ping"
description = "Sends a response back"
action {
respond { content = "Pong" }
Just like slash and chat commands, hybrid commands have support for arguments.
class AvatarArgs: Arguments() {
val user by user("user", "The user's avatar you would like to display")
publicHybridCommand(::AvatarArgs) {
name = "avatar"
description = "Displays the mentioned user's avatar"
action {
val user = arguments.user
// display user avatar
Similar to slash commands, hybrid commands two dsl builders; publicHybridCommand
and ephemeralHybridCommand
. When a hybrid command gets translated into the slash command equivalent, they will use an autoAckType
and interactions are only acked when either a publicFollowUp
or ephemeralFollowUp
is sent.
A publicHybridCommand
will send a public follow up in the case of a slash command, and a normal reply message in the case of a message command.
A ephemeralHybridCommand
will send an ephemeral follow up in the case of a slash command, and a normal reply in the case of a message command. Message commands do not have support for ephemeral messages.
action {
publicHybridCommand {
name = "public"
description = "A public hybrid command"
action {
respond {
content = "This is a public hybrid command"
embed {
// etc
ephemeralHybridCommand {
name = "ephemeral"
description = "An ephemeral hybrid command"
action {
respond {
content = "This is an ephemeral hybrid command"
embed {
// etc
Slash commands and chat commands have some properties that are not shared and therefore could not be included in the Hybrid Commands builder. To configure these properties, hybrid commands have a SlashCommandSettings
and ChatCommandSettings
property that can be accessed using the slashCommandSettings
and chatCommandSettings
hybridCommand(::AvatarArgs) {
name = "avatar"
chatCommandSettings { aliases = arrayOf("av") }
slashCommandSettings { guild( /* your guild id */ ) }
action {
// display user avatar
Hybrid commands also have support for subcommands and group commands. The only rule is that a top level hybrid command cannot contain both group commands and subcommands.
With slash commands, you can't have both sub/group commands along with a command action, but hybrid commands allows both. This will work as expected with message commands, however in the case of a top level slash command with group/sub commands, the action will not be registered.
In this example, the only available slash commands would be
- /roles add
- /roles remove
publicHybridCommand(::RoleViewArgs) {
name = "roles"
description = "Views the mentioned user's roles"
// message command will register this action
// slash command will not register this action
action {
// views a users roles
publicSubCommand(::RoleAddArgs) {
name = "add"
description = "Adds the role to the mentioned user"
action {
// adds role to user
publicSubCommand(::RoleRemoveArgs) {
name = "remove"
description = "Removes the role from the mentioned user"
action {
// removes role from user
Luckily, there is a workaround for this problem. Hybrid Commands lets you re-map the command action to a slash sub command, using the slashCommandSettings
Available slash commands
- /roles add
- /roles remove
- /roles view
hybridCommand(::RoleViewArgs /* demonstration purpose */) {
name = "roles"
description = "Views the mentioned user's roles"
slashCommandSettings {
subCommandName = "view"
// subCommandDescription - if unset, the subcommand will use the top level command's description
// chat command will register this action
// slash command will remap this action to /roles view
action {
// views a users roles
The same workaround can be applied to group commands.
publicHybridCommand {
name = "example"
description = "example-description"
publicGroupCommand {
name = "group"
slashCommandSettings { subCommandName = "remapped" }
// group command action re-mappped to /command group remapped
// chat command action stays at {prefix}command group
action {
// do stuff
publicSubCommand {
name = "subcommand"
action {
// do stuff
ephmerealGroup {
// another group command
If you don't want this behaviour, you can leave the subCommandName
as null
Hybrid commands also support button pagination. They are pretty similar (if not identical) to how MessageButtonPaginator
and InteractionButtonPaginator
You can create a paginator by using the paginator
dsl builder inside the hybrid command action
publicHybridCommand {
name = "paginator-example"
description = "Sends a paginator"
action {
val paginator = respondingPaginator {
page { /* page 1 */ }
page { /* page 2 */ }
// etc
You can get the latest version by checking the button at the top of this page.
-> Uses Kord-Extensions 1.4.2-SNAPSHOT
-> Uses Kord-Extensions 1.4.3-SNAPSHOT
-> Uses Kord-Extensions 1.4.4-SNAPSHOT
-> Uses Kord-Extensions 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT
repositories {
dependencies {
repositories {
maven { url "https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots" }
dependencies {
implementation "io.github.qbosst:kordex-hybrid-commands:{version}"
If you have any questions, issues, etc, you can ping me on the Kotlin Discord server q bosst#2456
or create an issue on the github.
Contributions are also welcome!