
Puppet module for installing and configuring Minecraft Server Control Script

Primary LanguagePuppet


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with mscs
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how


This module installs and manages the Minecraft server using the Minecraft Server Control Script. The module is currently being used on a Debian Jessie (8.x) installation, but should work fairly universally.

The module will download the MSCS script from Github, and install it. It can be used to configure global settings for the script. Additionally, control of individual Minecraft servers is available through the World type.

More information on MSCS can be found on Github at: https://github.com/MinecraftServerControl/mscs


Setup Requirements

This module depends upon:

  • VscRepo
  • Augeas

This module does NOT attempt to satisfy all of the requirements of MSCS. You will need to ensure that any software required is available on your system. Currently that list includes (Note that this is not maintained):

  • Java JRE - The Minecraft server software requires this.
  • Perl - Most, if not all, Unix and Linux like systems have this preinstalled.
  • libjson-perl - Allows the script to read JSON formatted data.
  • Python - Required by the Minecraft Overviewer mapping software.
  • GNU Make - Allows you to use the Makefile to simplify installation.
  • GNU Wget - Allows the script to download software updates via the internet.
  • rdiff-backup - Allows the script to efficiently run backups.
  • Socat - Allows the script to communicate with the Minecraft server.
  • Iptables - Although not explicitly required, a good firewall should be installed.

Beginning with mscs

This module can used with the default options by simply including it:

include mscs


This section is where you describe how to customize, configure, and do the fancy stuff with your module here. It's especially helpful if you include usage examples and code samples for doing things with your module.


Class mscs

  • mscs_user User to run MSCS, and the Minecraft servers as
  • mscs_group Group to run MSCS, and the Minecraft servers as
  • service_ensure Whether or not the MSCS service should be installed
  • service_manage Whether or not the service is controlled by Puppet
  • service_enable Whether or not the service should be enabled
  • service_name The name of the service
  • manage_dirs Whether or not this module should create the server directories.
  • mscs_revision A valid github commit identifier to specify which version of the script should be used.
  • mscs_install_location Where the MSCS scripts will be downloaded to
  • Default: '/opt/minecraft/mscs/
  • mscs_location Location of Minecraft server files
  • mscs_world_location Location of Minecraft worlds

type: mscs::world

Used to define a standalone Minecraft server.