
Simple UI to demo RenJS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

RenJS v2 Demo

Simple UI to demo RenJS.

RenJS Demo Screenshot

Running locally

Clone this repository and run:

# Install dependencies:

# Start development server:
yarn start

RenJS v2 Example

import { Bitcoin, Ethereum } from "@renproject/chains";
import RenJS from "@renproject/ren";
import Web3 from "web3";

export const main = async (web3: Web3) => {
    const renJS = new RenJS("mainnet", { logLevel: "log" });

    const lockAndMint = await renJS.lockAndMint({
        asset: "BTC",
        from: Bitcoin(),
        to: Ethereum(web3.currentProvider).Account({
            address: "0x1234...",

        nonce: "0x" + "00".repeat(32),

        `Deposit ${lockAndMint.params.asset} to ${lockAndMint.gatewayAddress}.`

    lockAndMint.on("deposit", async (deposit) => {
        await deposit
            .on("confirmation", (confs, target) =>
                console.log(`Confirmations: ${confs}/${target}`)

        await deposit.signed();
        await deposit
            .on("transactionHash", (txHash) =>
                console.log(`TxHash: ${txHash}`)