
A nodejs repo using mongo, express, handlebars, and passportjs for a user setup.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#Nodejs Template

#Project Information

###subGoal startedwith Project that will allow users to create groups and register games to keep win and lose ratios. Pratice using Mango, Express, Node, Handlebars and passport.

##Goal Turned into creating the basics usage for a nodejs based system that has most user basic functionality

##Description Project that will allow users to create groups and register games. Will utilize Mango, Express, Node, Handlebars, and passport.

##PreSetup install node

#install npm
sudo npm install npm -g

install mongo database
Edition: MongoDB Community Edition

git clone url

#setup packages needed by project
npm install  


#rename the authEx.js file
mv config/authEx.js config/auth.js

#you will also need to setup the facebook and google accouns instructions in the auth.js file

In auth.js file you can go and change the dbName to NameOFAPP and name of the app.

###Facebook Auth Ontop of facebookAuth there is a link to the developers facebook page to create an app.
After you login, top right corner "add a new app" >> select 'www' >> skip
Go to settings > Basic > appID (clientId) && AppSecret (clientSecret)
Write the clientId and clientSecret into the auth.js file
Go to settings > advanced > Client Oauth Settings > Valid Oauth redirect URIs
Add the callbackURL there replace localhost with your domain of your computer.

###Google Auth For google follow the same steps as well as adding it as the url sending the request in the google website.
Detail instructions are in the link above. googleAuth

Change the emailFrom to: youremail@email.com

Secret as whatever you want example: keyboard cat
change the mongoAdin.auth.user and password
to whatever you want example: user: admin, pass: pass

cd bin
#generate ssl keys self signed should not be used for production
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
cd ..

#to be able to run with  nodemon and debugger
npm run serve  

#or just normal
node ./bin/www

Should be listening in


  • Being able to create a user
  • Edit user information
  • Send email notifications with different services including Amazon SES
  • Email templates are made with handlebars
  • Flash for errors/success messages
  • Forgote password
  • User verification
  • Following users
  • User profiles
  • Facebook and google Auth
  • All authentication is done with Passportjs
  • https
  • UI admin panel for interacting with mongo console

will also come with some routes for groups, and games since was original project

Project Strucutre:

│   README.md
|   certifications
|   www contains http server
│   |   index.hbs
|   │   layout.hbs
|   │   error.hbs
|   |   login.hbs
|   | 
|   ├───game
|   │   _form.hbs  --template form used in edit and new
|   │   edit.hbs
|   │   new.hbs
|   |
|   ├───group
|   │   _form.hbs  --template form used in edit and new
|   │   edit.hbs
|   │   new.hbs
|   |   index.hbs  --details of group
|   ├───email
|   |   email templates
|   |
|   |
|   ├───user
|   |   user related routes
|   |
|   | auth.js   --contains info from authEx.js keys etc
|   | passport.js -- contains different login strategys using passport and welcome email
|   | authentication.js  contains midleware function to check if user is signed in and activated
|   css/js files that wil be included in views
│   ├───user
|   ├───email
|   ├───game
|   |_form.hbs has form for edit/new
|   |_edit.hbs
|   |_new.hbs
|   |
|   ├───user
|       each function has views that have to do with each views
    │   accounts.js  -- contains the mongoose schema
    |   email.js     -- contains functions for sending emails
    │   index.js      -- contians functions to call db for games
    │   games.js      -- contains the mongoose shcema
    │   index.js      -- contians functions to call db for games
    │   games.js      -- contains the mongoose shcema

To be able to run admin system follow instructions on https://github.com/andzdroid/mongo-express