
A whatsapp Multi Device bot based on baileys

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WhatsApp MD user bot

A simple Whatsapp User bot


  1. Deploy on Heroku

    1. Click SCAN and scan QR through Whatsapp Linked Devices Option in Your whatsapp App.
    2. You will get a session id in whatsapp, copy id only.
    3. If You don't have a account in Heroku, Create a account Now.
    4. If You Don't have a github account SignUp Now.
    5. FORK this repo
    6. Now DEPLOY
  2. Deploy on koyeb

    1. Create an account in koyeb. SignUp Now
    2. Get DATABASE_URL, You needs while depolying
    3. Get SESSION_ID, Open Linked Devices in WhatsaApp and SCAN Now.
    4. Get Koyeb API key. Let Go
    5. DEPLOY Now.
    6. Enter Environment Variables, Read More
    7. Enter Name and Click Create service
  3. Deploy on VPS or PC (Example here as in Ubuntu

    1. Install git ffmpeg curl

       sudo apt -y update &&  sudo apt -y upgrade
       sudo apt -y install git ffmpeg curl
    2. Install nodejs

      sudo apt -y remove nodejs
      curl -fsSl https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_lts.x | sudo bash - && sudo apt -y install nodejs
    3. Install yarn

      curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
      echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
      sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y install yarn
    4. Install pm2

      sudo yarn global add pm2
    5. Clone Repo and install packages

      git clone https://github.com/lyfe00011/whatsapp-bot-md
      cd whatsapp-bot-md
      yarn install --network-concurrency 1
    6. Enter Environment Variables

      touch config.env
      nano config.env

      copy paste lines below (remove SESSION_ID if not needs)

      SESSION_ID = Session_Id_you_Got_After_Scan_Dont_Add_This_Line_If_You_Can_Scan_From_Terminal_Itself
      PREFIX = .
      ALWAYS_ONLINE = false
      RMBG_KEY = null
      LANGUAG = en
      WARN_LIMIT = 3
      FORCE_LOGOUT = false
      BRAINSHOP = 159501,6pq8dPiYt7PdqHz3
      MAX_UPLOAD = 200
      REJECT_CALL = false
      SUDO = 989876543210
      TZ = Asia/Kolkata
      VPS = true
      AUTO_STATUS_VIEW = true
      SEND_READ = false

      Read More

      ctrl + o and ctrl + x, To save and exit

    7. start and stop bot

      To start bot npm start, To stop bot npm stop

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