Digital Projects made in VHDL for the "Digital Systems" course, and for teaching,using the Zybo board with Zynq 7000 SoC.
- Assignment 1: Logic Gates and Logic Blocks in VHDL.
- Assignment 2: Moore machine FSM in VHDL of a detector of two consecutive pulses.
- Assignment 3: Mealy machine FSM in VHDL of a detector of two consecutive pulses.
- Assignment 4: Project of Various FSM and a rising-edge detector Moore machine FSM in VHDL.
- Assignment 5: Analysis and Project of FSMs, Digital Circuits and VHDL entities.
- Assignment 6: Various combinational and sequential components.
- Assignment 7: A two button pulse-based counter.
- Assignment 8: A PS2 keyboard driver.
- Assignment 9: A period meter.
- Assignment 10: Analysis and project of various Digital Circuits.