Weni Developer Benchmark module

This module provides evaluation tools running locally or through Jobs on Google AI Platform

How to use

There are two types of benchmarks:

  • cross-validation
    • performs a 3-fold cross-validation
  • tensorboard
    • performs a validation with 25% of dataset and creates tensorboard logs


Run python send_job.py -h for details

It will show the available parameters needed to set your job ID and benchmark type

You need to set the env. variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS the path of .json file containing credentials

Your benchmark_source files will be uploaded to the google bucket:

  • config.yml files from folder /configs
  • datasets.md files from folder /data_to_evaluate

Each config will be run against each dataset, resulting in (n_configs * n_datasets) different benchmarks

After the job is finished, you can download the results from bucket using python download_result.py -id <JOB_ID> -out <OUTPUT_PATH>


You can run directly the functions inside benchmark.py to perform local benchmarks

Each config from folder /configs will be run against each dataset in folder /data_to_evaluate, resulting in (n_configs * n_datasets) different benchmarks

How to develop

Update setup.py version

run python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel to generate .tar.gz wheel

Upload .tar.gz file to google cloud benchmark bucket

your package_uris from send_job.py should be pointing to the new file