
Up and down Celery workers on demand.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Celery Worker On Demand

Up and down Celery workers on demand.


Check the example using a Docker container to up and down Celery workers.



  • Python 3.6
  • Celery 4.3.0 or higher
  • Your Celery Application
  • celery_worker_on_demand Python package
    pip install celery-worker-on-demand

Create a custom Class extended from CeleryWorkerOnDemand

Create a custom Class extended from CeleryWorkerOnDemand to customize Agent, UpWorker and DownWorker classes.

from celery_worker_on_demand import CeleryWorkerOnDemand
from celery_worker_on_demand import Agent
from celery_worker_on_demand import UpWorker
from celery_worker_on_demand import DownWorker

class MyDemand(CeleryWorkerOnDemand):
    # Customize Agent methods to apply new rules to up (flag_up) and down (flag_down) Celery workers
    Agent = Agent
    # Overide UpWorker run method with your script to up new Celery worker
    UpWorker = UpWorker
    # Overide DownWorker run method with your script to up new Celery worker
    DownWorker = DownWorker

Implement your up and down Celery worker script

You need overide UpWorker and DownWorker run method with your custom script to up and down Celery worker.

from celery_worker_on_demand import CeleryWorkerOnDemand
from celery_worker_on_demand import UpWorker
from celery_worker_on_demand import DownWorker

class MyUpWorker(UpWorkerU):
    def run(self):
        # Use self.cwod to retrieve CeleryWorkerOnDemand instance;
        # Use self.queue to retrieve QueueStatus instance with all queue information;
        ... Your script here

class MyDownWorker(DownWorker):
    def run(self):
        # Use self.cwod to retrieve CeleryWorkerOnDemand instance;
        # Use self.queue to retrieve QueueStatus instance with all queue information;
        ... Your script here

class MyDemand(CeleryWorkerOnDemand):
    UpWorker = MyUpWorker
    DownWorker = MyDownWorker

Create a runnable Python file

Create a runnable Python file like below, to run like a service.

from .cwod import MyDemand
from .celery_app import celery_app

# Run Celery Worker On Demand service

Customize up and down rules

To customize up and down flag you just need overide Agent methods flag_up and flag_down.

from celery_worker_on_demand import CeleryWorkerOnDemand
from celery_worker_on_demand import Agent

class MyAgent(Agent):
    # When returns True, the UpWorker.run() method is executed
    def flag_up(self, queue):
        # queue is a QueueStatus instance
        return super().flag_up(queue)

    # When returns True, the DownWorker.run() method is executed
    def flag_down(self, queue):
        # queue is a QueueStatus instance
        return super().flag_down(queue)

class MyDemand(CeleryWorkerOnDemand):
    Agent = MyAgent


class CeleryWorkerOnDemand


  • celery_app (arg): Your Celery Application instance.
  • queue_updater_fill_rate (kwarg): Times to update per second queue status. Default is 2.
  • api_server_address (kwarg): Tuple with address and port to serve API. Default is ('', 8000).
  • api_basic_authorization (kwarg): Add basic authorization in API. Set authorization header value to enable. Use this generator.


  • celery_app: Your Celery Application instance
  • queue_updater_fill_rate: Times to update per second queue status.
  • api_server_address: Tuple with address and port to serve API.
  • api_basic_authorization: Authorization header value.
  • queues: Queue dictionary - key is the queue name and value is a QueueStatus instance.
  • queue_updater: Thread instance of QueueUpdater
  • worker_monitor: Thread instance of WorkerMonitor
  • api_server: Thread instance of APIServer
  • agent: Thread instance of Agent


  • connection: Cached property, returns main broker connection without heartbeat.
  • channel: Cached property, returns default channel.

.add_queue(queue_name) method

  • queue_name (arg): Queue name.

Add new queue to observer.

.run() method

Start the Celery Worker On Demand service.

.serializer() method

Returns a JSON serializable dictionary that represents the current state of instance.

class Agent


  • cwod (arg): CeleryWorkerOnDemand instance.

.run() method

Watch current state of application to up and down workers.

flag_up(queue) method

  • queue (arg): QueueStatus instance.

When returns True, the UpWorker.run() method is executed.

flag_down(queue) method

  • queue (arg): QueueStatus instance.

When returns True, the DownWorker.run() method is executed

class UpWorker


  • agent (arg): Agent instance.
  • queue (arg): QueueStatus instance.

.run() method

Python script to up new worker to queue.

class DownWorker


  • agent (arg): Agent instance.
  • queue (arg): QueueStatus instance.

.run() method

Python script to down queue's worker(s).

class QueueStatus


  • name (arg): Queue name.
  • size (kwarg): Current queue size, default is 0.
  • workers (kwarg): List of WorkerStatus instance, default is a empty list.


  • name: Queue name.
  • size: Current queue size.
  • workers: List of WorkerStatus instance.


  • has_worker: Returns True when queue has worker.
  • many_workers: Returns how many workers the queue have.

.serializer() method

Returns a JSON serializable dictionary that represents the current state of instance.

class WorkerStatus

.get(hostname, *, **) class method

  • hostname (arg): Worker hostname.
  • *: args passed to WorkerStatus constructor.
  • **: kwargs passed to WorkerStatus constructor.

Returns a cached WorkerStatus instance relative to hostname.


  • hostname (arg): Worker hostname.
  • last_heartbeat_at (kwarg): Timestamp of last hearbeat. Default is None.
  • last_task_received_at (kwarg): Timestamp of last task received. Default is None.
  • last_task_started_at (kwarg): Timestamp of last task started. Default is None.
  • last_task_succeeded_at (kwarg): Timestamp of last task succeeded. Default is None.


  • hostname (arg): Worker hostname.
  • last_heartbeat_at (kwarg): Timestamp of last hearbeat.
  • last_task_received_at (kwarg): Timestamp of last task received.
  • last_task_started_at (kwarg): Timestamp of last task started.
  • last_task_succeeded_at (kwarg): Timestamp of last task succeeded.

.serializer() method

Returns a JSON serializable dictionary that represents the current state of instance.