
Golang Reddit API Wrapper

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status GoDoc Go Report Card

A Golang wrapper for the Reddit API. This package aims to implement every endpoint exposed according to the documentation in a user friendly, well tested and documented manner.


Install the package with

go get github.com/cameronstanley/go-reddit


Many endpoints in the Reddit API require OAuth2 authentication to access. To get started, register an app at https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps and be sure to note the ID, secret, and redirect URI. These values will be used to construct the Authenticator to generate a client with OAuth access. The following is an example of creating an authenticated client using a manual approach:

package main


func main() {
  // Create a new authenticator with your app's client ID, secret, and redirect URI
  // A random string representing state and a list of requested OAuth scopes are required
  authenticator := reddit.NewAuthenticator("<client_id>", "<client_secret>", "<redirect_uri>", "<random_string>", reddit.ScopeIdentity)
  // Instruct your user to visit the URL retrieved from GetAuthenticationURL in their web browser
  url := authenticator.GetAuthenticationURL()
  fmt.Printf("Please proceed to %s\n", url)

  // After the user grants permission for your client, they will be redirected to the supplied redirect_uri with a code and state as URL parameters
  // Gather these values from the user on the console
  // Note: this can be automated by having a web server listen on the redirect_uri and parsing the state and code params
  fmt.Print("Enter state: ")
  var state string

  fmt.Print("Enter code: ")
  var code string

  // Exchange the code for an access token
  token, err := authenticator.GetToken(state, code)
  // Create a new client using the access token and a user agent string to identify your application
  client := authenticator.GetAuthClient(token, "<platform>:<app ID>:<version string> (by /u/<reddit username>)")


// Returns a new unauthenticated client for invoking the API
client := reddit.NoAuthClient

// Retrives a listing of default subreddits

// Retrives a listing of hot links for the "news" subreddit