
BotMan website

Primary LanguagePHP

BotMan Website

This is the source of the botman.io website.


The website's documentation is loaded from the resources/docs directory. You will need to clone the documentation into this directory. The documentation is stored on GitHub at mpociot/botman-docs.


Open Source Frameworks are teamwork - that's why we also have a Teamwork package for Laravel applications. If you want to contribute to the BotMan website and docs, you get started with these commands:

# Clone the main project
git clone git@github.com:botman/botman.io.git
cd botman.io

# Initial Setup
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate

# If the docs were not fetched through the post install command of composer
# run the following to fetch the documentation
git clone -b 1.4 git@github.com:botman/docs.git resources/docs/1.4
git clone -b 1.5 git@github.com:botman/docs.git resources/docs/1.5
git clone -b 2.0 git@github.com:botman/docs.git resources/docs/2.0
git clone -b master git@github.com:botman/docs.git resources/docs/master