
unity web terminal

Primary LanguageC#


1 Start

  1. First,when you get this package,please import this in unity by "Assets/Import Package/Custom Package...";

  2. Then you should move the Folder "UTNT/StreamingAssets"to your project's root folder(the Assets folder), if you had the same folder,just merge the two, then you got the path "Assets/StreamingAssets";

  3. And you can select one sample sence from path "UTNT/Samples/Scenes",and play this scene;

  4. Open your web browser, input the url like http://localhost:8086, then you can use UTNT;if you build this project to you mobile phone,you can use the url lik http://ip:port, the ip means your device ip in LAN,and if you not change the port,default port is 8086;

Or you can use the tool in UnityEditor "Tools/UTNTWindow",this tool can scan all server in LAN(if this window show nothing,you can reopen this window);

UTNT Window

  1. Terminal With Some inner command:

    a. clear: clear current screen;

    b. help: show all registed worker;

    c. man: show how to use one worker;

d.  up/down key can select command you had used;
  1. There has some sample, and with source code:

    a. log_filter: a demo. To show how to use log;

b. material_worker: to show how to change object's material color,with source code;

c. only_resmgr: show just use resource manager,without terminal;

d. shapshot: a demo to show capture current screen;

e. transform_worker: show how to control transform;

2 Resource Manager

  1. this function can manager the spatial unity folder,and modify the file which can edit on this platforme; you can upload or download the file;

  1. default editable text file extension with .txt/.lua/.xml,and you can add other extions by code:


  1. you can upload file to a editable folder,if the if is zip or rar file,you can unzip the file by the uzip function button;

3 Unity Terminal

  1. this tool is a framework to connect unity player, the connection is runtime,you can do many things by this terminal;


a. default termila will not start, you must enable by yourself with code, like:

WebServer.EnableTerminal(8087,"log -o -f timer", 1000);

b. when you use this in editor,please enable your project run in background:

Application.runInBackground = true;

  1. use terminal,you just input command in the input filed;then the screen will show the return;

you even can extend the terminal work very easy,you just need to implement the interface IWorker,more you can see the samples;

//the command you input in terminal
   string GetName();

//on input field commit
   string Do(Connect conn, MessageModel request, string args);

//on this connect closed
   void OnClose(Connect conn);

//return how to use this worker
   string Usage();

//return the desc. About worker
   string Description();
  1. the function
 string Do(Connect conn, MessageModel request, string args)

return the string will to show on terminal with default style,you can return null,and terminal show nothing;

or you can send to terminal by yourself with your style,if you use Connect's interface,such as SendText and SendImage,more detail in LogWorker code;

  1. regist your worker into UTerminal:

UTerminal.Instance.Regist(new LogWorker());

4 Others

UTNT used some others libraries,like ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/ websocket-sharp/WebServer, but I changed some code of websocket-sharp and websever,to avoid namespace conflict,I changed the the namespace of those two;when you publish your project,you can remove UTNT from your project;